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Make nice graphs in your markdown files in gatsbyjs, using mermaid.

Here is a basic demo, which also uses my starter template.


npm install --save gatsby-transformer-remark gatsby-remark-graph

How to use

// In your gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
    resolve: 'gatsby-transformer-remark',
    options: {
      plugins: [
          resolve: 'gatsby-remark-graph',
          options: {
            // this is the language in your code-block that triggers mermaid parsing
            language: 'mermaid', // default
            theme: 'default' // could also be dark, forest, or neutral

Make sure you put it before other plugins (especially those that work with code blocks, like prism.)

Usage in Markdown

graph LR
    A[Square Rect] -- Link text --> B((Circle))
    A --> C(Round Rect)
    B --> D{Rhombus}
    C --> D

Will give you a graph that looks like this:


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