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A plugin for gatsby-transformer-remark, wrapping remark-behead.

Used to alter markdown header levels when parsed through remark.

Currently only the depth option works consistently.


Just add it to list of gatsby-transformer-remark plugins:

// In your gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
    resolve: `gatsby-transformer-remark`,
    options: {
      plugins: [`gatsby-remark-behead`],


  • depth: Number. Default 1. Changes the heading level by the provided number.


Decrease all headers by one level (e.g. <h1> to <h2>):

    resolve: "gatsby-remark-behead",
    options: { depth: 1 },

Increase all headers by one level (e.g. <h2> to <h1>):

    resolve: "gatsby-remark-behead",
    options: { depth: -1 },
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