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Internationalize your Gatsby site.


This plugin is modified from these two awesome official themes: gatsby-theme-i18n and gatsby-theme-i18n-react-intl. Before this, I used these two themes to internationalize my Gatsby site, but I found that they can’t fully meet my needs. So I made this for my personal site and put everything I learned in this Gatsby plugin in hopes to help out anyone who may struggle with the same.


  • Internationalize your Gatsby site powered by react-intl.
  • Creating prefixed, enriched pages for each language (including client-only pages that have a matchPath).
  • Automatic redirection based on the user’s preferred language in browser.
  • Adds <link rel="alternate" /> seo tags to <head>.
  • Exports useful React components and hooks.


  1. Install gatsby-plugin-usei18n and its peerDependencies:
npm install gatsby-plugin-usei18n react-intl gatsby-plugin-react-helmet react-helmet --save


yarn add gatsby-plugin-usei18n react-intl gatsby-plugin-react-helmet react-helmet
  1. Add the configuration to your gatsby-config.js file:
module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-plugin-usei18n`,
      options: {
        defaultLang: `en`,
        configPath: require.resolve(`./i18n/config.json`),
  1. Create the folder i18n at the root of your project and create a file called config.json in it.

  2. Add your locales to the config file and fill out these information:

  • code: The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code which will be used for the path prefix, as a unique identifier (e.g. for the defaultLang option)
  • hrefLang: The IETF language tag for the <html lang="xx-XX" /> attribute. Also used for og tags
  • name: The english name of the locale
  • localName: The local name of the locale
  • langDir: The direction of language (e.g. “ltr”, “rtl”)
  • dateFormat: The tokens that Moment.js accepts for date formatting. This can be used for dates on GraphQL queries

Example config of English:

    "code": "en",
    "hrefLang": "en-US",
    "name": "English",
    "localName": "English",
    "langDir": "ltr",
    "dateFormat": "MM/DD/YYYY"
  1. Create the folder named messages in the configPath (e.g. ./i18n/) and create your <locale>.json files in it.

  2. Add a suffix/postfix to your MDX/YAML filenames, e.g. if you have your blogposts at content/posts/my-title/index.mdx you’ll need to copy that file and place it with index.de.mdx in the same folder.


By adding a suffix/postfix in your filenames you can define the locale that the document is in.

You can also see the example to learn more.

Plugins Options

Key Default Value Description
defaultLang en The locale that is your default language. For this language no prefixed routes will be created unless you set the option prefixDefault.
prefixDefault false All routes will be prefixed, including the defaultLang
configPath none Path to the config file
locales null A string of locales (divided by spaces) to only build a subset of the locales defined in configPath, e.g. en de
redirect false if the value is true, / or /page-2 will be redirected to the user’s preferred language router. e.g. /en or /en/page-2. Otherwise, the pages will render defaultLang language.

You can pass additional options in as they’ll be forwarded to the plugin. You can query all options in GraphQL on the SiteI18n type.

Available React components/hooks

The plugin also exports a couple of components and hooks that you could use in your project.


The plugin saves its information into a custom SiteI18n graphql type which you can access via the useLocalization hook. Furthermore, you’re able to ask for the current locale via React context.


import React from "react"
import { useLocalization } from "gatsby-plugin-usei18n"

const Example = () => {
  const { locale, config, defaultLang } = useLocalization()

  return (
      <div>Current locale: {locale}</div>
      <div>Current defaultLang: {defaultLang}</div>
      <pre>{JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)}</pre>

export default Example


This is a component that can create a language selector.


import React from "react";
import { LangSelector, LocaleContext } from "gatsby-plugin-usei18n";

const Example = ({ pageContext }) => {
  const { handleLanguage } = React.useContext(LocaleContext);
  const path = pageContext.originalPath;
  return (

export default Example

Render HTML:

      <a href="/">English</a>
      <a href="/de/">Deutsch</a>

This is a wrapper around the Link component from gatsby and is transforming links to the correct path by accessing the current locale via React context.


import React from "react"
import { LocalizedLink as Link } from "gatsby-plugin-usei18n"

const Example = () => {
  return (
      <Link to="/page-2/">Link to second page</Link>

export default Example


Provides a <Router /> from @reach/router that prefixes the basePath prop with the current locale.


import React from "react"
import { LocalizedRouter } from "gatsby-plugin-usei18n"
import Detail from "../components/detail"

const App = () => {
  return (
    <LocalizedRouter basePath="/app">
      <Detail path="/:id" />

export default App

This is a component specifically for MDX to replace the normal anchor tag. This way local links to other files are automatically localized (as it uses LocalizedLink behind the scenes).


import React from "react"
import { MDXProvider } from "@mdx-js/react"
import { MdxLink } from "gatsby-plugin-usei18n"

const components = {
  a: MdxLink,

const Layout = ({ children }) => {
  return (
        <MDXProvider components={components}>{children}</MDXProvider>

export default Layout

LocaleContext / LocaleProvider

You can also directly access the LocaleContext and LocaleProvider from the plugin.


import React from "react"
import { LocaleContext } from "gatsby-plugin-usei18n"

const Example = () => {
  const locale = React.useContext(LocaleContext)

  return <div>Locale: {locale}</div>

export default Example


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