Allows directories of files to be turned into pages in GatsbyJS (v2) via a React template component. Effectively works like gatsby-plugin-page-creator
but for files of any type.
The primary use for this will be to crawl a directory of Markdown files and turn them into pages matching that folder heirarchy but without adding boilerplate page-creation code in gatsby-node.js
file and without needing any gatsby-source-filesystem
You do still need the gatsby-transformer-remark
plugin to parse your files into Markdown. The example below shows a template using these two plugins together.
npm install gatsby-plugin-templated-files
How to use
Configure in your gatsby-config.js
file. Multiple instances can be included to crawl different paths or use different templates:
// gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: {
resolve: "gatsby-plugin-templated-files",
options: {
path: "pages",
template: "Page.jsx",
resolve: "gatsby-plugin-templated-files",
options: {
path: "./pastas",
template: "Pasta.jsx",
url: "/pasta/:slug",
resolve: "gatsby-plugin-templated-files",
options: {
// Crawl the ./blog/ directory
path: "blog",
// Use this template file (relative to src/templates or absolute)
template: `${__dirname}/src/othertemplates/Blog.jsx`,
// Set a format for the URL (defaults to "/:slug")
url: "/blog/{year}/{month}/{day}/{ref}",
// File globs to include (defaults to *.md and *.markdown)
include: [
// File globs to ignore
ignore: [
// File globs to use as directory indexes (defaults to index.* and README.*)
indexes: [
String path to directory of files to create corresponding pages for, e.g. src/blog/
- Paths are relative to the site root CWD (where your
String path to the *.js
or *.jsx
template file the pages should use, e.g. Blog.jsx
- Templates are (by convention) stored in the
directory - Relative paths are relative to the
, e.g.MyTemplate.jsx
- Use absolute paths to point to other directories, e.g.
Set the output URL format for pages. Defaults to /:slug
- Use to append trailing slashes e.g.
- Use to prepend directories e.g.
- Leading slash is recommended but not required
parameter is always available- Parameters created in
can also be used (e.g.:year
, see below) - Parameters can be in
, or{{handlebars}}
format - Parameter values are ‘sluggified’, i.e.
My Page
String file glob (or array of globs) to include when crawling the options.path
dir. If specified will replace the default list:
can include parameters in :express
, {jsx}
, ${es6}
, and {{handlebars}}
formats in order to extract additional information from the filename. These work like *
wildcard matching but are available for querying in the GraphQL node (as params
For example if options.include
was set to ":year-:month-:day -"
then files matching the glob *-*-* - *.md
will be included, and the matched parameters can be used in GraphQL queries:
query($year: String!) {
templated(params { year: { eq: $year } }) {
params {
String file glob (or array of globs) to ignore when crawling. If specified will add to the default list (dotfiles and npm files):
String file glob (or array of globs) to use as index files, e.g. if
is an index then a/b/c/
will have the a/b/c
slug (with no listing
). Defaults to:
Note: glob patterns
, options.ignore
, and options.indexes
can include *
as a wildcard. They do not support other features of glob or RegExp and cannot include directories (only filename patterns like *.md
and README.*
Note: example configuration
A full example configuration is available to show an example of a basic heirarchical setup, and a setup using file format parameters to construct URLs (year/month/day etc). End-to-end tests are run against this demo so it should be correct!
To output your Markdown as HTML (via React) you’ll need to create a template file. These files are just normal GatsbyJS page components which have two requirements:
default export
a React component- export a GraphQL query as
// src/templates/Pasta.jsx
import React from "react";
import { graphql } from "gatsby";
// Component.
export default function Pasta({ data }) {
const file = data.templated;
const markdown = file.childMarkdownRemark;
return (
<h1>{markdown.frontmatter.title ||}</h1>
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: markdown.html }} />
// Query.
export const query = graphql`
query($id: String!) {
templated(id: { eq: $id }) {
absolutePath # '/usr/var/www/pastas/Ribbon Pasta/'
relativePath # 'Ribbon Pasta/'
name # 'Tagliatelli'
dirs # ['Ribbon Pasta']
childMarkdownRemark {
html # '...parsed Markdown content of'
frontmatter {
title # '...title parsed from frontmatter of'
How to query
This GraphQL query retrieves a single Templated
file node. All fields in the node (like name
, extension
, size
, dir
, depth
) can be used for filtering and sorting, except for content
which is lazy-loaded.
query($id: String!) {
templated(id: { eq: $id }) {
id # 'b82587df-f952-5201-85c5-bcb9df3a17ca'
absolutePath # '/usr/var/www/pastas/Ribbon Pasta/'
relativePath # 'Ribbon Pasta/'
rootPath # 'pastas/Ribbon Pasta/'
templatePath # '/usr/var/www/src/templates/Pasta.jsx'
index # false (would be true for e.g.
base # ''
name # 'Tagliatelli'
extension # 'md'
dir # 'Ribbon Pasta'
dirs # ['Ribbon Pasta']
slug # 'ribbon-pasta/tagliatelli'
slugs # ['ribbon-pasta', 'tagliatelli']
depth # 2
url # '/pasta/ribbon-pasta/tagliatelli'
size # 1048576
prettySize # '1 MB'
modifiedTime # 'Mon Oct 22 2018 01:01:33 GMT'
accessedTime # 'Mon Oct 22 2018 01:01:33 GMT'
changedTime # 'Mon Oct 22 2018 01:01:33 GMT'
birthtime # 'Mon Oct 22 2018 01:01:33 GMT'
content # '...entire raw contents of'
params {} # { ...any params extracted from options.include pattern }
internal {
type # 'Templated'
mediaType # 'text/markdown'
contentDigest # '2b365824e5c9240509bc33ec15b05070'
If you’re using gatsby-transformer-remark
it’s recommended to query the Templated
file node first, then add in the child MarkdownRemark
node using childMarkdownRemark
query($path: String!) {
templated(rootPath: { eq: $path }) {
absolutePath # '/usr/var/www/pastas/Ribbon Pasta/'
rootPath # 'pastas/Ribbon Pasta/'
name # 'Tagliatelli'
dirs # ['Ribbon Pasta']
childMarkdownRemark {
html # '...parsed Markdown content of'
frontmatter {
title # '...title parsed from frontmatter of'
Query for a list of files with an allTemplated
query. Results can again be filtered and sorted using any of the Templated
node’s fields.
allTemplated(filter: { name: { eq: "abc" } }, sort: { fields: [rootPath], order: DESC }) {
edges {
node {
base # ''
extension # 'md'
dir # 'Ribbon Pasta'
modifiedTime # 'Mon Oct 22 2018 01:01:33 GMT'
Query heirarchically nested children of the matched file with the following query. You can use this to output your entire tree of files (up to a required depth) e.g. to build navigation menus or sidebars. You could make this neater with a fragment but we’ve made it explicit for the example.
Heirarchy in this plugin constructs based on the final page URL (i.e. based on your options.url
setting). So pages at /a/x
and /a/y
become children of the page at /a
If you’re receiving an error that childrenTemplated
does not exist, use childTemplated
instead. Gatsby creates these automatically based on whether any Templated
nodes in your project have multiple children. This is annoying but there’s no easy workaround.
allTemplated(filter: { depth: { eq: 0 } }) {
edges {
node {
depth # 0
name # ''
dirs # []
relativePath # ''
childMarkdownRemark {
frontmatter {
title # 'Pasta Database'
childrenTemplated {
depth # 1
name # 'Ribbon Pasta'
dirs # []
relativePath # 'Ribbon Pasta/'
childMarkdownRemark {
frontmatter {
title # 'Ribbon Pasta'
childrenTemplated {
depth # 2
name # 'Tagliatelli'
dirs # ['Ribbon Pasta']
relativePath # 'Ribbon Pasta/'
childMarkdownRemark {
frontmatter {
title # 'Tagliatelli'
Useful PRs are welcomed! Code must pass ESLint (with Prettier via eslint-prettier, Jest unit tests, and Cypress end-to-end tests. Run this locally with yarn test
and wait for it to be confirmed by TravisCI.
All commits on the master branch are deployed automatically using semantic-release which bumps version numbers automatically based on commit messages, so Commits must follow Conventional Commits. This is enforced by a Husky precommit hook.
See Releases