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The plugin provides an easy integration for the React Client SDK of Split.io to use Feature Flags within GatsbyJS.


with yarn
yarn add gatsby-plugin-splitio

with npm
npm install --save gatsby-plugin-splitio

How to use the plugin

  1. Get an account at Split.io
  2. Get the authorizationKey in the app of Split.io
    Admin Settings -> API Keys -> Javascript SDK (browser)
  3. Get the key at
    Admin Settings -> All Environments

Add the plugin with the respective options in your gatsby-config.js:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-plugin-splitio`,
      options: {
        authorizationKey: ``,
        key: ``,

Simple Example

Place the TestToggle component into your components directory and use it in one of your pages. Rename YOUR_FEATURE to one of the feature names you added to your Split account.

// TestToggle.js
import React from 'react'
import { SplitTreatments } from 'gatsby-plugin-splitio'

const feature = 'YOUR_FEATURE'

const TestToggle = () => (
  <SplitTreatments names={[feature]}>
    {({ treatments }) => {
      const treatment = treatments[feature].treatment
      return (
          {treatment === 'on' ? (
            <VariantOne treatment={treatment} feature={feature} />
          ) : (
            <VariantTwo treatment={treatment} feature={feature} />

function VariantOne({ treatment, feature }) {
  return (
    <div style={{ padding: `1rem`, backgroundColor: `HONEYDEW` }}>
      <h2>Component: Variant One</h2>
        Feature: <b>{feature}</b> with{' '}
        <a href="https://help.split.io/hc/en-us/articles/360038825091-React-SDK#using-the-sdk">
        </a>{' '}
        is {treatment}

function VariantTwo({ treatment, feature }) {
  return (
    <div style={{ padding: `1rem`, backgroundColor: `LAVENDERBLUSH` }}>
      <h2>Component: Variant Two</h2>
        Feature: <b>{feature}</b> with{' '}
        <a href="https://help.split.io/hc/en-us/articles/360038825091-React-SDK#using-the-sdk">
        </a>{' '}
        is {treatment}

export default TestToggle

Advanced Usage

More detailed information describes the help page of Split.io

Named Exports

The plugin exposes these named exports:


  • SplitTreatments
  • SplitClient
  • SplitContext


  • useTreatments
  • useManager
  • useTrack


  • withSplitTreatments
  • withSplitClient


Please reach out for any question regarding this plugin or open a PR if you would like add or amend something.

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