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Community Plugin
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Gatsby plugin to automatically generate social card images.


This plugin is highly inspired by Ryan Yurkanin’s blog post on How to Automate Social Cards for your Gatsby Blog

How to install

Please include installation instructions here.

Available options

  resolve: `gatsby-plugin-social-banners`,
  options: {
    // optional & defaults
    subText: { author: 'Anurag hazra' },
    imgWidth: 1200,
    imgHeight: 630,
    outputImg: 'social-banner-img.jpg',
    // required (have to be specified)
    baseImg: path.resolve('./src/static/social-banner-template.jpg')

When do I use this plugin?

This plugin is mainly for my personal portfolio site but i will update it so everyone can use it on their own site.

Examples of usage

// gatsby-config.js
  resolve: `gatsby-plugin-social-banners`,
  options: {
    // required
    baseImg: path.resolve('./src/static/social-banner-template.jpg')

Made with :heart: and js for gatsby.

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