Community Plugin
View plugin on GitHubGatsby Plugin SharpSpring
Easily add SharpSpring Marketing Automation to your GastbyJS website. Enables
- Tracking
- Chatbots
- And every other feature that comes out of the box with the SharpSpring Tracking Code
How to install
npm install gatsby-plugin-sharpspring
How to use
// In your gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-plugin-sharpspring`,
options: {
// You can get your domain id from the following line in your Tracking Code Script
// _ss.push(['_setDomain', '']);
// Your domain ID is all the characters after https:// before you get to
Side Notes
Considering that SharpSpring is a high-end marketing tool, I am curious if anybody would use this plugin at all. If you found it useful, please feel to give me a shout out on Twitter | Youtube | Instagram