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A Gatsby plugin for adding Reflexjs context.


npm i reflexjs gatsby-plugin-reflexjs

For Reflexjs v1, use gatsby-plugin-reflexjs ^0.1.2.


Enable the plugin

// gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
  plugins: [`gatsby-plugin-reflexjs`],

Add theme

Create the following file src/gatsby-plugin-reflexjs/index.js and add your theme to it

// src/gatsby-plugin-reflexjs/index.js
const theme = {
  breakpoints: ["640px", "768px", "1024px", "1280px"],
  colors: {
    text: "#111",
    background: "#fff",
    primary: "#06f",
    modes: {
      dark: {
        text: "#ededee",
        background: "#1a202c",
        primary: "#fb3640",
  fonts: {
    body: "system-ui, sans-serif",
    heading: "system-ui, sans-serif",
    monospace: "Menlo, monospace",
  fontWeights: {
    body: 400,
    heading: 700,
    bold: 700,
  lineHeights: {
    body: 1.5,
    heading: 1.125,

export default theme
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