Gatsby plugin: Parent Resolvers
When writing gatsby-node
code, do you often find yourself writing something like the following?
const mdxResolverPassthrough = fieldName => async (
) => {
const type = info.schema.getType("Mdx");
const mdxNode = context.nodeModel.getNodeById({
id: source.parent
const resolver = type.getFields()[fieldName].resolve;
const result = await resolver(mdxNode, args, context, {
return result;
(Taken from gatsby-theme-blog-core as an example, no hate intended!)
If you do, this is the plugin for you!
The resolvers
Because of the way Gatsby nodes are structured, there’s two different resolvers to use that are generally mutually exclusive.
How do you find out which one to use? I’d recommend trying parentPassthrough
checking out the result, and then switching to parentResolverPassthrough
the result is either nothing or not what you were expecting.
This resolver passes the parent’s value directly through to the child node, without running any resolvers from the parent. Use this one for simple values that are directly attached to the node on creation.
A notable example is Markdown/Mdx frontmatter.
Specified which field on the parent node that will be resolved.
If not specified, will use the child field’s name.
The value that will be returned if it couldn’t be resolved from the parent.
This resolver grabs the resolver from the parent node that corresponds with the field being passed through to the child, then runs it and returns what that resolver did. Use this one for fields that either aren’t actually attached to the node or require post-processing to be useful.
A notable example is the body
field on Mdx
In addition to the arguments parentPassthrough
The name of the Type whose resolvers will be used.
When not specified, this is pulled from the parent node. I’m not actually sure where this will be useful, but it’s here regardless. Maybe if you want the resolver from a node type that isn’t the parent?
How to use
Well, there’s actually two different ways to use the plugin: the “resolver” method, and the “extension” method.
Both are mostly equivalent, but only the resolver method supports default values because extensions’ options don’t know the type of the field they’re applied on.
The resolver method
Just call the function as the value of the resolve
key in your graphql type!
const {
} = require("gatsby-plugin-parent-resolvers");
name: "ResolverChild",
fields: {
id: { type: "ID!" },
namedParentPassthrough: {
type: "String!",
resolve: parentPassthrough({ field: "exampleString" })
namedParentResolverPassthrough: {
type: "String!",
resolve: parentResolverPassthrough({ field: "resolvedFromNothing" })
exampleString: { type: "String!", resolve: parentPassthrough() },
resolvedFromNothing: {
type: "String!",
resolve: parentResolverPassthrough()
intWithDefault: {
type: "Int!",
resolve: parentPassthrough({
defaultValue: 42
interfaces: ["Node"]
The extension method
First, add gatsby-plugin-parent-resolvers
to your gatsby-config
From there, you can use the parentPassthrough
and parentResolverPassthrough
just like any other extension in either the type builders or SDL!
name: "BuilderExtensionChild",
fields: {
id: { type: "ID!" },
namedParentPassthrough: {
type: "String!",
extensions: {
parentPassthrough: {
field: "exampleString"
namedParentResolverPassthrough: {
type: "String!",
extensions: {
parentResolverPassthrough: {
field: "resolvedFromNothing"
exampleString: {
type: "String!",
extensions: {
parentPassthrough: {}
resolvedFromNothing: {
type: "String!",
extensions: {
parentResolverPassthrough: {}
interfaces: ["Node"]
`type SDLExtensionChild implements Node {
namedParentPassthrough: String! @parentPassthrough(field: "exampleString")
namedParentResolverPassthrough: String! @parentResolverPassthrough(field: "resolvedFromNothing")
exampleString: String! @parentPassthrough
resolvedFromNothing: String! @parentResolverPassthrough
Also, you don’t have to worry about gatsby-plugin-parent-resolvers
loaded twice if you want to include it in a theme- the plugin checks to make
sure the extensions aren’t already made!