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pace.js binding for gatsby sites. support all options pace.js support.

with additional options:

  • theme: (optional) css theme to use with pace.js, default to minimal. gatsby-plugin-pace bundled themes includes:
    • minimal
    • center-radar
    • center-simple
    • barber-shop
    • flash
    • loading-bar
    • corner-indicator
  • color: main color pace.js will use
  • cdn: (optional), if a cdn link to pace.js is specified, plugin will load pace.js from cdn instead of package.

in gatsby-config.js

      resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-pace',
      options: { theme: 'minimal', color: 'white', cdn: 'https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/pace/1.0.2/pace.min.js' }
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