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Gatsby Reload

Restart Gatsby’s process when gatsby-* files changes (gatsby-node, gatsby-config, gatsby-browser, and gatsby-ssr).


yarn add gatsby-plugin-node-reload
// gatsby-config.js

module.exports = {
  plugins: [

Important: End the newly spawned process

This plugin works by ending the current process when a watched file changes & replace it with a new one. This newly spawned child process will then write output to the same terminal window. However, cmd + C will not end the new process. You’d have to end it manually.

At the beginning of the new process, this plugin will output the new process’ PID so you can end it manually:

info PID: 5894

Then, on MacOS, you can end the new process by doing the following:

kill -15 5894


Add additional files to watch:

// gatsby-config.js

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-node-reload',
    options: {
      watch: ['./directory-to-watch', './file-to-watch.js']
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