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What is this?

This is a Gatsby plugin that generates hierarchical menus from Markdown (.md) files . It automatically creates a menu based on the directory structure and filenames of your content directory in your gatsby site.

How to Use It


You can install the gatsby-plugin-md-menus via npm or yarn:

Using npm

npm  install  gatsby-plugin-md-menus

Using yarn

yarn  add  gatsby-plugin-md-menus


After installing the plugin, you need to add it to your gatsby-config.js file. The plugin requires a configuration object to work properly.

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-md-menus',
      options: {
        config: {
          sidebar: {
            forcedNavOrder: [
              '/introduction', // Order of menu items
            collapsedNav: [
              '/introduction', // Menu items to collapse
          //This is optional 
            pathPrefix: "/", // default is '/'
            trailingSlash: false // Default is false 
    // other plugins

Configuration Object

The configuration object defines how your menu items should be structured and displayed. Here’s an example configuration:

const config = {
  sidebar: {
    forcedNavOrder: [
      '/introduction', // Order of menu items
    collapsedNav: [
      '/introduction', // Menu items to collapse
  //This is optional 
    pathPrefix: "/", // default is '/'
    trailingSlash: false // Default is false 

Folder Structure

For the plugin to work correctly, your content folder should have Markdown files and corresponding directories that match the parent Markdown files. Here is an example structure:


  • introduction folder

  • Contains subcontent related to introduction.md.

  • key-concepts folder

  • Contains subcontent related to key-concepts.md.


Once the configuration is in place and your content is organized, the plugin will automatically generate the hierarchical menu based on the specified order and collapsed items.

Using the Menu Component

To render the menu in your Gatsby site, you can import and use the Menu component provided by the plugin in your React components. Here’s an example of how to do this:

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import Sidemenu from 'gatsby-plugin-md-menus/sidemenu';

const Sidebar = ({setMenu}) => {

  return (
    <Sidemenu onClickMenuItem={setMenu} />

export default Sidebar;

Theme Configuration

This configuration allows you to customize the appearance of the side navigation menu and the left sidebar.

The configuration file can be found at:


section: {
  navActiveCol: '#001933', // The text color of an active side menu item.
  navChildCol: 'white',    // The text color of an inactive side menu item.

leftSideBar: {
  catTitle: '#004C48',     // The text color of the category title.
  menuHover: '#004C48',    // The background color of a side menu item when hovered.
  menuActive: '#09A4A7',   // The background color of the active side menu item.
  iconNormal: 'white',     // The color of the icons in the side menu.
  iconHover: '#7CC9CD',    // The color of the icons in the side menu when hovered.


We welcome contributions! Please feel free to submit issues, fork the repository, and make pull requests


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

© 2025 Gatsby, Inc.