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Easily add Klaviyo email marketing to a Gatsby site.


npm install --save gatsby-plugin-klaviyo

How to Use

You’ll need a Klaviyo account to use this plugin - sign up at Klaviyo.

When you’ve signed up and logged in to the dashboard, go to Account -> Settings -> API Keys and look for the `API key / Site ID’ in bold.

In gatsby-config.js configure the plugin with your key:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-klaviyo',
      options: {
        klaviyoKey: 'your-klaviyo-key',
        enableDuringDevelop: false, // Optional. Disables Klaviyo when running Gatsby dev server. Defaults to true.

Restart your Gatsby server for the plugin to take effect.


Based off gatsby-plugin-tidio-chat

Plugin updated for Klaviyo email marketing by ecomloop

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