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Queries page views data from google analytics.

How to use

Install the package.

$ npm i gatsby-plugin-google-analytics-reporter

Add it to gatsby-config.js, make sure you have set up the variables needed to query analytics (guide here)

// gatsby-config.js
  resolve: `gatsby-plugin-google-analytics-reporter`,
  options: {
    email: process.env.CLIENT_EMAIL,
    privateKey: process.env.PRIVATE_KEY,
    viewId: process.env.VIEWID,
    startDate: `30daysAgo`,
    endDate: `today`,
    pageSize: 10000

The plugin accept an object following the schema below.

Prop Required Type Description
clientEmail true string The service account email enabled on Google Could to query the analytics service.
privateKey true string The private key from the service account provided above.
viewId true string Google analytics viewId for the project to query. It can be found on google analytics > Admin (cog icon) > View settings
startDate false string The start and end dates are specified in ISO8601 date format YYYY-MM-DD, ex: 2010-04-28. Everything accepted by Google Reporting API, like 30daysAgo, today and yesterday is also a valid input. Defaults to 2008-01-01.
endDate false string The start and end dates are specified in ISO8601 date format YYYY-MM-DD, ex: 2010-04-28. Everything accepted by Google Reporting API, like 30daysAgo, today and yesterday is also a valid input. Defaults to today.
pageSize false number Maximum number of results to return. For Google Reporting API v4 this can not exceed 100000. Defaults to 1000.

Once implemented, you can check that the query work on localhost:8000/__graphql. There you will find two new keys available for queries: pageViews and allPageViews.

Examples for both queries:

// graphql
query MyQuery {
  allPageViews(sort: {order: DESC, fields: totalCount}) {
    nodes {

// returns
  "data": {
    "allPageViews": {
      "nodes": [
          "id": "/",
          "totalCount": 703
          "id": "/how-to-set-up-gatsby-typescript-eslint-prettier/",
          "totalCount": 126
          "id": "/react-hooks-vs-redux/",
          "totalCount": 121
// graphql
query MyQuery {
  pageViews(id: {eq: "/how-to-set-up-gatsby-typescript-eslint-prettier/"}) {

// returns
  "data": {
    "pageViews": {
      "id": "/how-to-set-up-gatsby-typescript-eslint-prettier/",
      "totalCount": 126
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