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npm package

Gatsby plugin to add Fathom tracking to your site.


npm install gatsby-plugin-fathom


By default, this plugin only generates output when run in production mode. To test your tracking code, run gatsby build && gatsby serve.


Option Explanation Default
trackingUrl Your Fathom custom domain (optional) cdn.usefathom.com
siteId Fathom site ID
honorDnt Honor do not track false
ignoreCanonical Ignore canonical and use current URL false
includedDomains Only include provided domains in tracking []
excludedDomains Track every domain, except the ones provided []

For more information on each option check https://usefathom.com/support/tracking-advanced.


// gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-fathom',
      options: {
        // Your custom domain, defaults to `cdn.usefathom.com`
        trackingUrl: 'your-fathom-instance.com',
        // Unique site id
        siteId: 'FATHOM_SITE_ID'

Example using environment variables

You may want to use different site ids across different deployments. This is best achieved by defining config in environment variables. The value will be read on build-time, e.g. during CI.

# .env.production
// gatsby-config.js
  path: `.env.${process.env.NODE_ENV}`

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-fathom',
      options: {
        siteId: process.env.FATHOM_SITE_ID

For more details, see https://www.gatsbyjs.org/docs/environment-variables/

Goal Tracking

You can import a hook for tracking goals in any component like so:

import { useGoal } from 'gatsby-plugin-fathom'

export default function Foo() {
  // can pass true as the 2nd param in order to console log the tracked goal's ID
  // useful for debugging in development
  const handleGoal = useGoal('GOAL-ID')

  return <button onClick={handleGoal}>Click me</button>

The function returned by useGoal also excepts a value to be sent with the id. If not set it defaults to 0.

import { useGoal } from 'gatsby-plugin-fathom'

export default function Foo() {
  const handleGoal = useGoal('GOAL-ID')

  return <button onClick={() => handleGoal(100)}>Buy</button>


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