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Gatsby plugin for Enonic XP

This little plugin helps you generate static Gatsby pages based on data fetched via Headless API from Enonic XP.

By using GraphQL queries in plugin configuration you can specify data fields which you will output on the site pages.


This plugin can only be used in a GatsbyJS site or application. It also requires an endpoint to GraphQL API, either preconfigured or provided by Enonic Headless starter.


To install:

npm install --save gatsby-plugin-enonic

Then add the config to your gatsby-config.js:

module.exports = {
  /* ... */
  plugins: [
    /* ... */

      resolve: "gatsby-plugin-enonic",
      options: {
        api: "http://localhost:8080/site/hmdb/draft/hmdb/_graphql",
        refetchInterval: 30,
        pages: [{
          query: require.resolve('./src/queries/getMovies'),
          list: {
            url: "/movies",
            template: require.resolve("./src/templates/movies.js"),
            title: 'Movies'
          details: {
            url: '/movie', // Remove to use list.url
            template: require.resolve("./src/templates/movie.js"),
            key: 'name',
            title: '.displayName'



GraphQL API endpoint delivering headless content.



How often data is re-fetched from the server (in seconds).


Relative path to a Javascript file which exports (via module.exports) a GraphQL query to retrieve nodes to be listed on the pages.list.path page. Must be resolved with require.resolve().


Expected URL for the generated listing page, for example if you use movies the page will be available under mysite.com/movies. Will also be used for detail pages if pages.details.url is not provided.


Relative path to React template of the listing page. Must be resolved with require.resolve().



Page title for the listing page.



Expected URL for the generated details page, for example if you use movie the page will be available under mysite.com/movie/{key}. If omitted, value from pages.list.url will be used.



Field in the query whose value will be appended to pages.details.url. If omitted, id field will be used.


Relative path to React template of the detail page. Must be resolved with require.resolve().



Page title for the detail page.


For a working example of gatsby-plugin-enonic, see Gatsby plugin guide.


This plugin uses gatsby-source-graphql to make GraphQL schema from Headless API available to Gatsby.

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