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📖 gatsby-plugin-endpoints npm License

Simple Gatsby plugin that exposes an endpoint that lists all the Gatsby’s pages URLs.


  • Install gatsby-plugin-endpoints with npm/yarn/pnpm:

    npm i gatsby-plugin-endpoints --save-dev
  • Add it to the array of plugins in gatsby.config.js:

module.exports = {
  // ... Other settings
  plugins: [
    // ... Other plugins
  • Start the Gatsby’s development server
gatsby develop
  • Navigate to URL
  • You’ll get list of all pages and blog posts in JSON format e.g.


Plugin allows to apply filter to the list of pages. For that it’s required to pass a function as a configuration property for filter e.g.:

  • Simple filter usage - gatsby.config.js:
module.exports = {
  // ... Other settings
  plugins: [
    // ... Other plugins
      resolve: `gatsby-plugin-endpoints`,
      options: {
        filter: ({ node: { path, pageContext } }) => !["dev-404-page", "/404.html"].includes(path), // Filter out pages ["dev-404-page", "/404.html"] from the list
  • Advanced filter usage - gatsby.config.js:
module.exports = {
  // ... Other settings
  plugins: [
    // ... Other plugins
      resolve: `gatsby-plugin-endpoints`,
      options: {
        // Second param passed to filter is 'req' object from express server -> https://expressjs.com/en/api.html#req
        filter: ({ node: { path, pageContext } }, { query: { maxAge } }) => {
          // Get query param from request -> http://localhost:8000/endpoints.json?maxAge=1
          if (maxAge) {
            // Filter pages based on the date passed in page context object during page creation https://www.gatsbyjs.com/docs/reference/config-files/actions/#createPage
            return pageContext?.date
                ? subtractDate(new Date(), { years: maxAge }) <
                  parseISO(pageContext.date, new Date())
                : true;
          return true;


Made with :sparkling_heart: by Bartlomiej Zuber (bartlomiej.zuber@outlook.com) and licensed under the MIT License

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