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This is a GatsbyJS plugin that displays a badge on the page giving information about the ecological impact of the page consulted.

Learning Resources

It is simply a plugin that will load a javascript created and hosted by Simon Vandaele.

The calculation functions come from GreenIT-Analysis GNU Affero General Public License AGPL v3 / Copyright (C) 2019 didierfred@gmail.com

More informations https://github.com/simonvdfr/ecoindex-light-js


More informations in HISTORY.md

How to install

Install via npm or yarn

npm install gatsby-plugin-ecoindexbadge --save

yarn add gatsby-plugin-ecoindexbadge

Just add the plugin to the plugins array in your gatsby-config.js

plugins: {


plugins: {
        resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-ecoindexbadge',
        options: {
            mode: 'manual', // 'external' / 'manual' default:'external'

Available options

mode tells the plugin to load the GreenIT community JavaScript library instead of using the internal EcoindexBadge component.

Examples of usage

En utilisant la library GreenIT

Simply in your configuration file gatsby-config.js load the plugin like this:

plugins: {

Using the internal component <EcoindexBadge lang="EN|FR" />

  1. Configure the plugin like this (otherwise you will have several badges!):
plugins: {
        resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-ecoindexbadge',
        options: {
            mode: 'manual', // 'external' / 'manual' default:'external'

Mode :

  • external calling and using the GreenIT library (default mode)
  • manual use of internal calculation [loading of GreenIT library disabled(*)] and you have to add the component yourself, see point 2.

(*) Good practice: The manual mode should be used only if the use of the external library causes bugs or conflicts with other libraries.

  1. Import the component:
import { EcoindexBadge } from 'gatsby-plugin-ecoindexbadge';
  1. In your code insert the component with the language to be displayed:
<EcoindexBadge lang='EN|FR' />
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