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Use one file to declare your routes, provides to chose dynamic route paths based on your BUILD_ENV or ROUTE_ENV to your custom routing env. Also it’s possible to only renaming routes on pages/, or use everything together.


$ npm i gatsby-plugin-dynamic-routes


$ yarn add gatsby-plugin-dynamic-routes

How to use

Add the plugin to your gatsby-config.js.

module.exports = {
  plugins: [

Create your’s Routes.js inside your src/ folder

├── src/
  └── Routes.js


module.exports = {
  home: {
    path: `/casa`,
    component: `src/pages/Home.js`

Use in client-side, include globals comment


import { Link } from "gatsby"

function Example() {
  return <Link href="/casa" />

Dynamic routes


module.exports = {
  development: {
    two: {
      path: `/2`,
      component: `src/pages/Two.js`
  staging: {
    two: {
      path: `/dois`,
      component: `src/pages/Two.js`
  home: {
    path: `/casa`,
    component: `src/pages/Home.js`

Run with your BUILD_ENV environment

BUILD_ENV=staging yarn start

If you are using the plugin Dynamic Environment Variables, what will happen is that your environments inside your .env and .env.staging will be loaded, and your routes inside staging key will go to root of the object that is exported of Routes and will be available in yours global environment variables.


import { Link } from "gatsby"
/* globals ROUTES */

function Example() {
  return <Link href={ROUTES.two.path} />

Note that you need to put eslint globals comment in each file that will use ROUTES global variable.

You need to create an empty .eslintrc in root of your folder to remove this comments.

If you are using eslint in your project, just update this key to your config:

  "rules": {
    "no-undef": "off"

You can pass more than path or component keys, these keys will be available in your component later


If you want to made variations of the same environment, but whit different routes, you can use ROUTE_ENV variable to chose your dynamic routes


ROUTE_ENV=organic BUILD_ENV=production yarn build



This options allows you to specify what’s the path to your file with your Routes object


module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-plugin-dynamic-routes`,
      options: {
        routeFilePath: `config/Routes.js`
├── config/
  └── Routes.js

If you want to put in root of your project, simply put the name of your file

Ignoring gatsby default page creator

By default, gatsby generates one route to each file inside pages/ folder, to disable this feature, put in you gatsby-config.js:

  resolve: `gatsby-plugin-page-creator`,
  options: {
    path: `${__dirname}/src/pages`,
    ignore: {
      patterns: [`**/*`],

Check out the Dynamic Environment Variables plugin that provides you to load different files based on your env variables

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