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GatsbyJS Plugin for adding draft field to node.

This plugin adds draft field to decide whether publish to Gatsby’s data system node. For example, when we build blog (with gatsby-transformer-remark), GatsbyJS creates MarkdownRemark nodes. This node has frontmatter property. If frontmatter includes date metadata, gatsby-plugin-draft add automatically draft value to Gatsby’s node field.


# npm
$ npm install gatsby-plugin-draft

# or yarn
$ yarn add gatsby-plugin-draft

How to use


with Markdown

You need to add gatsby-source-filesystem and gatsby-transformer-remark.

module.exports = {
  plugins: [

with MDX

You need to add gatsby-source-filesystem and gatsby-plugin-mdx. Set Mdx to nodeType option.

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-draft',
      options: {
        nodeType: 'Mdx',

other source

You need to add gatsby-source-anydata. Set node internal type to nodeType option.

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-draft',
      options: {
        nodeType: 'Anydata',


You can query like the following. The important thing is to add filter. That query results is only the post whose draft is false.

const markdownTemplate = 'app/template/markdown';
const mdxTemplate = 'app/template/mdx';
const anycmsTemplate = 'app/template/anycms';

exports.createPages = async ({ graphql, actions, reporter }) => {
  const { createPage } = actions;
  const result = await graphql(
          filter: { fields: { draft: { eq: false } } } # add
        ) {
          edges {
            node {
              fields {
          filter: { fields: { draft: { eq: false } } } # add
        ) {
          edges {
            node {
              fields {
          filter: { fields: { draft: { eq: false } } } # add
        ) {
          edges {
            node {
              fields {

  if (result.errors) {

  result.data.allMarkdownRemark.edges.forEach(post => {
      path: post.node.fields.slug,
      component: markdownTemplate,
      context: {
        slug: post.node.fields.slug,

  result.data.allMdx.edges.forEach(post => {
      path: post.node.fields.slug,
      component: mdxTemplate,
      context: {
        slug: post.node.fields.slug,

  result.data.anyCms.edges.forEach(post => {
      path: post.node.fields.slug,
      component: anycmsTemplate,
      context: {
        slug: post.node.fields.slug,


Add filter in each pages.

export const query = graphql`
  query IndexQuery {
      filter: { fields: { draft: { eq: false } } } # here
    ) {
      edges {
        node {
      filter: { fields: { draft: { eq: false } } } # here
    ) {
      edges {
        node {
      filter: { fields: { draft: { eq: false } } } # here
    ) {
      edges {
        node {

Draft Pattern

Let’s say you have the following content. If you run gatsby build on Feb 22. 2019, the First Post will be published, but Second-Post will not be published.

If you build on Feb 26. 2019, both post will be published.

id: 1
title: First Post
date: 2019-02-20

Published content.
id: 2
title: Second Post
date: 2019-02-25

Draft content.

Another Example. If a post has draft: true in frontmatter, the post is never published even if date is before build date time.

id: 3
title: Second Post
date: 2010-10-10
draft: true

Draft content, forever and ever!


module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-draft',
      options: {
         * Be added field name. [Optional]
         * Type: string
         * Default: 'draft'
        fieldName: 'notReleased',

         * moment-timezone. [Optional]
         * Type: string
         * Default: 'UTC'
        timezone: 'Asia/Tokyo',

         * Gatsby's node internal type. [Optional]
         * Type: string
         * Default: 'MarkdownRemark'
        nodeType: 'GatsbyNodeInternalType',

         * Date information. [Optional]
         * Type: function
         *   - node: Gatsby's data node. https://www.gatsbyjs.com/docs/node-interface/
         * Default: node => node.frontmatter.date
        pickDate: node => node.metadata.publishedAt,

         * Draft information. [Optional]
         * Type: function
         *   - node: Gatsby's data node. https://www.gatsbyjs.com/docs/node-interface/
         * Default: node => node.frontmatter.draft
        pickDraft: node => node.metadata.isDraft,

         * publish draft posts [Optional]
         * Default is 'false'
        publishDraft: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production',


If publishDraft is false, the posts which have draft field valued true does not published. So we can not edit watching that posts. This option is useful when we edit posts in development mode (gatsby develop).

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