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Allows you to easily specify npm modules to be included in transpiling with babel.

This plugin works with Gatsby V2+

Discussion of this issue at https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby/issues/3780


npm install --save gatsby-plugin-compile-es6-packages


yarn add gatsby-plugin-compile-es6-packages

How to use

Add the plugin to your gatsby-config.js. Specify the npm modules containing ES6 code that require transpilation.

plugins: [
    resolve: `gatsby-plugin-compile-es6-packages`,
    options: {
      modules: [`query-string`]


Option Explanation Default Required
modules Specify the npm modules containing ES6 code that require transpilation [] YES
test Adjusts the regex for the webpack rule /\.js$/ NO

You may also need to use other plugins to handle any specific babel config to transpile the es6 code (i.e. gatsby-plugin-flow)

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