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Gatsby plugin for accessibility testing


npm install --save gatsby-plugin-a11y-report

How to use


// gatsby-config.js

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    // This plugin should only appear in your gatsby-config.js file once.
    // All options are optional.
      resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-a11y-report',
      options: {
        showInProduction: false,
        toastAutoClose: false,
        query: `
              filter: {
                path: { regex: "/^(?!/404/|/404.html|/dev-404-page/)/" }
            ) {
              edges {
                node {
        ignoreCheck: [
        serverOptions: {
          host: 'localhost',
          port: '8341'
        axeOptions: {
          locale: 'ja',
        loggingOptions: {
          result: ['violations', 'incomplete']

in develop mode

> gatsby develop

  • a11y-report plugin will begin printing a11y warnings to your browser’s console.

in build mode

> gatsby build

  • a11y-report plugin will start static server & logging accessibility report.
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