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Gatsby Philipps Foam Theme

My customized Gatsby theme specifically for Foam.

Forked from mathieudutour/gatsby-digital-garden who did all the major work.

Changes made to original:

  • Codeblocks with Codemirror 6
  • Upped deps (Gatsby 3)
  • Adopted Tailwind for styles
  • Support for more themes
  • Dropped roam support (check mathieudutour/gatsby-digital-garden if you need it)
  • Reworked search UI
  • Change graph diagram (redo with @antv/g6)
  • Small table of contents at frame header (like GitHub has now)
  • Sidbar with pages as folder structure



npm install gatsby-philipps-foam-theme


Take a look into the _layouts folder in the example directory

Manually add to your site

Example Repository

  1. Install the theme

    npm install gatsby-philipps-foam-theme autoprefixer gatsby gatsby-plugin-postcss postcss react react-dom
  2. Add the configuration to your gatsby-config.js file

Config options explained

// gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-philipps-foam-theme`,
      options: {
        // basePath defaults to `/`
        basePath: `/garden`,
        rootNote: `/garden/About-these-notes`,
        contentPath: `/content/garden`,

You can ignore certain folders by adding an “ignore” array to the options:

plugins: [
   resolve: `gatsby-philipps-foam-theme`,
   options: {
     rootNote: "/readme",
     contentPath: "/",
     ignore: [
  1. Add notes to your site by creating md or mdx files inside /content/garden.

  2. Run your site using gatsby develop and navigate to your notes. If you used the above configuration, your URL will be http://localhost:8000/{basePath}


This is a yarn workspace. Just run yarn in the root to install.

To develop run yarn start.

How to inject custom MDX Components?

  1. Create a custom react component.

  2. Shadow the component with the custom component created in step 1.

  3. All the MDX components that are used within gatsby-theme-garden can be shadowed by placing the custom components under the following path ./src/gatsby-theme-garden/components/mdx-components/index.js

Example: Injecting a custom CodeBlock component to support Syntax Highlighting

  1. Create a custom CodeBlock component as mentioned in the MDX Guides

  2. Create a file named ./src/gatsby-theme-garden/components/mdx-components/index.js with the following content.

    // the components provided by the theme
    export { AnchorTag as a } from "gatsby-theme-garden/src/components/mdx-components/anchor-tag";
    // your own component to inject into mdx
    export code from "./your-component"; // any code block will use this component
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