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Lazy-loaded background images, with a simple fade transition between them, using gatsby-image. Inspired by react-background-slider, except for—well—the obvious.

NPM JavaScript Style Guide


I wanted to have a nice, simple slideshow of high-resolution background images. I also didn’t want to lock the main thread with ugly chunks of said images. Thus, I resorted to making the best reinvention of the wheel I could muster for a background image slideshow with lazy-loading.


npm install --save gatsby-image-background-slider


Quick unordered background slider

component file (i.e. layout.js)

import React from 'react'

import BackgroundSlider from 'gatsby-image-background-slider'

const Layout = ({ children }) => (
        query {
          backgrounds: allFile (filter: {sourceInstanceName: {eq: "backgrounds"}}){
            nodes {
              childImageSharp {
                fluid (maxWidth: 4000, quality: 100){


plugins: [
    resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`,
    options: {
      name: `backgrounds`,
      path: `${__dirname}/src/bg`, // wherever background images are stored

Configured background slider

component file (i.e. layout.js)

import React from 'react'

import BackgroundSlider from 'gatsby-image-background-slider'

const Layout = ({ children }) => (
        query {
          backgrounds: allFile (filter: {sourceInstanceName: {eq: "backgrounds"}}){
            nodes {
              childImageSharp {
                fluid (maxWidth: 4000, quality: 100){
      initDelay={2} // delay before the first transition (if left at 0, the first image will be skipped initially)
      transition={4} // transition duration between images
      duration={8} // how long an image is shown
      // specify images to include (and their order) according to `relativePath`
      images={["dog.jpg", "cat.jpg", "giraffe.jpg", "tasmanian devil.jpg", "gabe.jpg"]} 

      // pass down standard element props
        transform: "rotate(-2deg) scale(.9)",
      {/* Captions in sync with background images*/}
      <>{/* Giraffes don't talk; [they aren't real](https://chivomengro.com/2017/10/23/the-truth-comes-out-giraffes-are-a-hoax/) */}</>
      <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tasmanian_devil#Conservation_status">
        I could use a hand
      <div>I need to find better hobbies</div>


plugins: [
    resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`,
    options: {
      name: `backgrounds`,
      path: `${__dirname}/src/bg`, // wherever background images are stored


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