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Queries page views data from goatcounter analytics. Heavily inspired by the gatsby-plugin-google-analytics-reporter.

How to use


Install the package with npm.

# with npm
npm i gatsby-plugin-goatcounter-analytics-reporter

# or with yarn
yarn add gatsby-plugin-goatcounter-analytics-reporter


To use the plugin add it to your gatsby-config.js, make sure you have set up the variables required.

// gatsby-config.js
  resolve: `gatsby-plugin-goatcounter-analytics-reporter`,
  options: {
    code: process.env.GOATCOUNTER_CODE,
    personalToken: process.env.GOATCOUNTER_PERSONAL_TOKEN,
    daysAgo: `30`,
Prop Required Type Description
code true string The goatcounter code used to access your site analytics. i.e https://.goatcounter.com/
personalToken true string The personal token from your goatcounter account, which will allow us to access the api.
daysAgo false string The number of days ago to get data from like 30. Defaults to 2020-01-01 .

Once implemented, you can check that the query work on localhost:8000/__graphql. Here is an example using allPageViews.

// graphql
query MyQuery {
  allPageViews(sort: {order: DESC, fields: totalCount}) {
    nodes {

// returns
  "data": {
    "allPageViews": {
      "nodes": [
          "id": "/",
          "totalCount": 703
          "id": "/how-to-set-up-gatsby-typescript-eslint-prettier/",
          "totalCount": 126
          "id": "/react-hooks-vs-redux/",
          "totalCount": 121

Here is an example using pageViews.

// graphql
query MyQuery {
  pageViews(id: {eq: "/how-to-set-up-gatsby-typescript-eslint-prettier/"}) {

// returns
  "data": {
    "pageViews": {
      "id": "/how-to-set-up-gatsby-typescript-eslint-prettier/",
      "totalCount": 126
## Appendix

- Heavily inspired by [gatsby-plugin-google-analytics-reporter](https://github.com/Kornil/gatsby-plugin-google-analytics-reporter)
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