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Dynamical navigation plugin for gatsbyjs.


npm install --save gatsby-dynamical-navigation

How to use


plugins: [

How it works

The algorithm creates GraphQL nodes using files with .md/.mdx extensions, located in src/pages.

Support for other formats is under development

For example:

You have such a file structure in src/pages:

├── index.md
├── lectures
|   ├── index.md
|   ├── file1.md
|   ├── file2.md
|   ├── file3.md

The presence of the file index.md in the root of each folder is necessary for correctly compiling the full navigation of the application

Using frontmatter:


title: Home



title: Lectures



title: lecture 1
navTitle: HTML
order: 1



title: lecture 2
navTitle: CSS
order: 2



title: lecture 3
navTitle: JS
order: 3


The title and navTitle fields are used as the text of links for navigation. Moreover, navTitle overrides title.

At least one of navTitle and title must be defined. Otherwise, the GraphQL node for this page will not be created.

order is optional. It is necessary to organize the links when displaying.

Using of custom paths starting from version 0.4.0

It’s allowed use a navigation scheme that is not based on the file system in src/pages, but on your own logic (when field slug creates from frontmatter’s attribute path):

title: some-title
path: /section/sub-section/page/


In this case, path from frontmatter will be used to create the navigation element.

Navigation is React component for rendering of navigation.

How to use

import { Navigation } from 'gatsby-dynamical-navigation';

  root={some path} //vertex path of displayed navigation
  target= {some path} //bottom path of displayed navigation (usually location)
  loader={React component} // optional. Component that will be displayed until the navigation is loaded

You can find an example here:

Site page with left side navigation

(Where root is /dictionaries/ and target is /dictionaries/html/1_html_introduction/)

This site on GitHub

loadNavigation API

If you prefer to create your own navigation instance, you can use this API.

How to use

import { loadNavigation } from 'gatsby-dynamical-navigation';

loadNavigation(navigation => {
  //some kind of code with navigation

How it used in the plugin

The loadNavigation allows loading navigation asynchronously.

navigation is cached. No repeat requests.

navigation is an array of the type:

    path: string, //path to page
    title: string, //text for link (name)
    childrenSiteNavigation: { //array of child links
      title: string, //path to page
      path: string, //text for link (name)
      order: number | null, //useful for arranging links when rendering
      fields: {
        isRoot: true, //means it has child links
      } | null //or not

Only navigation items with children loaded.

Items without children loaded as children of others.

For this example navigation would be:

    title: Home,
    path: '/',
    childrenSiteNavigation: [
        title: Lectures,
        path: '/lectures/'
        order: null,
        fields: {
          isRoot: true,
    title: Lectures,
    path: '/lectures/'
    childrenSiteNavigation: [
        title: HTML,
        path: '/lectures/file1/'
        order: 1,
        fields: null,
        title: CSS,
        path: '/lectures/file2/'
        order: 2,
        fields: null,
        title: JS,
        path: '/lectures/file3/'
        order: 3,
        fields: null,

GraphQL queries

You can use the GraphQL nodes as you like.

For example, to load all navigation items:

in page template


export const pageQuery = graphql`
    query queryName {
      allSiteNavigation {
        edges {
          node {
            fields {
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