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Streamlined for Ackee V2.0. Credit due to Tobias Reich and Christopher Burns. This is a fork based on their work.


Easily add Ackee Tracking Script to your Gatsby site.

A Gatsby plugin that interacts with the REST API of Ackee. Should be used to feed your server with data from your visitors.


gatsby-plugin-ackee-tracker requires a running Ackee server.

How to install

NPM npm install --save @willthevideoman/gatsby-plugin-ackee-tracker

Yarn yarn add @willthevideoman/gatsby-plugin-ackee-tracker

Examples of usage

// In your gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
    resolve: '@willthevideoman/gatsby-plugin-ackee-tracker',
    options: {
      // Domatin ID found when adding a domain in the admin panel.
      domainId: 'YOUR_ACKEE_DOMAIN_ID',
      // URL to Server eg: "https://analytics.test.com".
      server: 'https://analytics.test.com',
      // Disabled analytic tracking when running localy
      ignoreLocalhost: true,
      // If enabled it will collect info on OS, BrowserInfo, Device  & ScreenSize
      detailed: false,



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