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Provides support for markdown preprocessing to Drupal body fields.

  • Creates a new text/markdown field for drupal body fields of the selected content types.
  • Replaces Drupal relative image paths to previously downloaded and cached images by the gatsby-source-drupal plugin.

NOTE: To make sure your Drupal site expose markdown use the Toast UI Editor integration for Drupal provided by the tui_editor module.


npm install --save @weknow/gatsby-remark-drupal

How to use

Default configuration

      // In your gatsby-config.js
      resolve: `gatsby-transformer-remark`,
      options: {
        plugins: [

Custom configuration

      // In your gatsby-config.js
      resolve: `gatsby-transformer-remark`,
      options: {
        plugins: [
            resolve: `@weknow/gatsby-remark-drupal`,
            options: {
              nodes: [`article`,`page`, `landing`, `cta`]


Name Default Description
nodes [article,page] The Drupal node types to process.
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