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A Gatsby plugin to easily add a HubSpot embed code to your site.

This repository is originally forked from hutsoninc/gatsby-plugin-hubspot and is kept up-to-date with the latest Gatsby version (unlike the original repo).


npm install --save @tmttn/gatsby-plugin-hubspot-tracking

How to use

// In your gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: "@tmttn/gatsby-plugin-hubspot-tracking",
      options: {
          trackingCode: "1234567",
          respectDNT: true,
          productionOnly: true,
          region: "eu1"



Type: string
Default: undefined

This value is required. Fill in the correct tracking code from your Hubspot account. (Settings > Tracking Code)


Type: boolean
Default: false

By enabling this option, visitors with “Do Not Track” enabled will have a __hs_do_not_track cookie placed in their browser. This prevents the HubSpot tracking code from sending any information for the visitor.

More information about HubSpot cookies and privacy can be found in the HubSpot Tracking Code API documentation.


Type: boolean
Default: true

Only load the script when process.env.NODE_ENV is set to production.


Type: string

<Default: undefined

Fill in this value if you want to use another region or the tracking script. The default script points to js.hs-scripts.com/12345678.js Change the region to eu1 to point to the eu tracking script: js-eu1.hs-scripts.com/12345678.js


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