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By adding a list of urls to the YAML frontmatter, this plugin creates redirects for all of them at build time. It uses Gatsby’s createRedirect under the hood.

Table of Contents


Plugin assumes the default setup from gatsby-starter-blog, with Markdown files processing by gatsby-transformer-remark and adding a field slug for each file node. Head over to gatsby-starter-blog’s gatsby-node.js file to see how this is done.

If this does not fit your setup, you can configure the default query being used.


cd yourproject/
npm i gatsby-redirect-from gatsby-plugin-meta-redirect

Then load the plugin along with gatsby-plugin-meta-redirect from your gatsby-config.js:

plugins: [
  'gatsby-plugin-meta-redirect' // make sure this is always the last one

That’s it. See Usage.

Server Rendering

Gatsby’s createRedirect only creates client-side redirects, so further integration is needed to get server redirects too. Which is highly dependent on your hosting, if you want to have the proper HTML status codes like 301, Apache needs .htaccess rules for that, nginx rewrite rules, S3 RoutingRules and so on.

One simple way, as suggested in installation, is to use gatsby-plugin-meta-redirect to generate static HTML files with a <meta http-equiv="refresh" /> tag for every createRedirect call. So it works out of the box with this plugin without further adjustments.

This way is the most compatible way of handling redirects, working with pretty much every hosting provider. Only catch: it’s only for usability, no SEO-friendly 301 redirect is set anywhere.


In your Markdown file’s YAML frontmatter, use the key redirect_from followed by a list:

title: Aperture File Types
  - /new-goodies-aperture-file-types-icons/
  - /goodie-updated-aperture-file-types-v11/
  - /aperture-file-types-v12-released/
  - /2008/04/aperture-file-types/
  # note: forward slashes are required


Plugin does not require to be configured but some additional customization options are available:

Option Default Description
query allMarkdownRemark Modify the query being used to get the frontmatter data. E.g. if you use MDX, set allMdx here.

Add options to the plugins’s configuration object in gatsby-config.js like so:

plugins: [
    resolve: 'gatsby-redirect-from',
    options: {
      query: 'allMdx'
  'gatsby-plugin-meta-redirect' // make sure this is always the last one

Plugin Development

npm i
npm start

# production build
npm run build

# publishing to npm & GitHub releases
# uses https://github.com/webpro/release-it
npm run release
npm run release minor
npm run release major
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