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Programmatically create pages and routes from configuration.


  • 📦 Designed to be highly reusable between build time and run time, any application parts
  • 👀 Watch mode during development
  • 🆒 Supports Typescript out of the box
  • 🌓 Supports gatsby-plugin-layout out of the box
  • 🧾 Supports addtional page context per route
  • 💡 Provides helpful APIs to access route config
  • 🏭 A part of teku Building Blocks project

Table of contents


npm install @teku/gatsby-plugin-routes

How To Use

Enable plugin

Enable the plugin in plugins section of your gatsby-config.js:

plugins: [

Plugin options

All plugin options are optional, example options:

  resolve: '@teku/gatsby-plugin-routes',
  options: {
    suffix: 'Page.tsx'

The suffix option helps you shorten for view path declaration, so instead of having to define route like /: 'components/BlogPage.tsx', it can be shorten like this /: 'components/Blog'. More information can be found with full list of options below:

Option Type Description Default
configFile string Full path to routes config file, only supports .ts, .m.js and .js files src/routes.js
viewDir string Base directory path to resolve views src
defaultLayout string Default layout name, provide context for gatsby-plugin-layout 'index'
suffix string Resolved view file name suffix ''

Route definitions

Example route definitions:

Here is example route definition in routes.ts if you use Gatsby with Typescript

const routes = {
  // 1. Uri to view route
  '/': 'landing/Index',

  // 2. Named route
  auth: {
    uri: '_auth', // real uri
    view: 'auth/Callback'

  // 3. Custom layout route
  '/404': {
    view: 'lib/errors/404',
    layout: 'error'

// 4. Optional, conditional route
// This route is only available during development
process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' && routes['/dev'] = 'dev/DevDashboard'

export default routes

You can also use normal vanila JS too, an example of routes.js

const routes = {
  // definitions

module.exports = routes

Uri to view route

This route definition simply contains direct mapping between uri to view resolve path.

We have a default layout name as index, can be changed using options defaultLayout.

'/': 'landing/Index' is resolved as:

  uri: '/',
  layout: 'index',
  view: 'landing/Index'

Named route

Sometimes you don’t want to access routes using its uri, which is hard to manage or change across source code later. So instead of /_user_auth_callback, you can name it as authCallback, like this:

authCallback: {
  uri: '/_user_auth_callback',
  view: 'auth/Callback'

Custom layout route

This plugin supports gatsby-plugin-layout out of the box, and the default layout is index. You can customize it per route using route config object:

Example 1: Use list layout instead of index

'/users': {
  view: 'users/List',
  layout: 'list'

Example 2: Without any layouts at all

'/user-custom': {
  view: 'users/custom',
  layout: ''

In order to fully archive page render without any layouts, you will need to conditionally render it in your layout file, for example the default layout file:

// src/layouts/index.js
const Layout = ({ pageContext, children }) => {
  return pageContext.layout
    ? <DefaultLayout>{children}</DefaultLayout>
    : children

Additional context data

This plugin allows passing addtional pageContext data into each route definition, for example:

  '/': {
  view: 'landing/Index',
    context: {
      seo: {
        title: 'Index Page'

This will especially be useful when you need special context for some routes.

For example, in combination with other plugins (like gatsby-plugin-next-seo):

// src/layouts/index.js
import { GatsbySeo } from 'gatsby-plugin-next-seo'
const Layout = ({ pageContext, children }) => {
  const seo = get(pageContext, 'seo', {})

  return <>
    <GatsbySeo {...seo} />
      ? <DefaultLayout>{children}</DefaultLayout>
      : children}

Watch mode

During development, this plugin can request page and context rebuild everytime route definitions change by enabling watch option:

  resolve: '@teku/gatsby-plugin-routes',
  options: {
    watch: true

Watch mode requires ENABLE_GATSBY_REFRESH_ENDPOINT to be enabled.

Reusable APIs


parseRoute (route: string | IRouteDefinition, importUri: string, defaultLayout?: string = ‘index’) => IRouteDefinition

Parse a route config into an array of route config object:

  • route: can be string path to view or route definitions object
  • uri: a string uri or route name
  • defaultLayout: layout name to use when no layout specified in route definition


mapViews (parsedRoutes: IRouteDefinition[], options: IMapViewsOptions) => IRouteDefinition[]

Map resolved view component path into an array of route config objects:

  • parsedRoutes: array of route config objects, mostly comes from calling parseRoute
  • options: more information can be found from options



interface IRouteDefinition {
    uri: string;
    layout?: string;
    context: any;
    view: string;


interface IRouteDefinitionList {
  [name: string]: string | IRouteDefinition;


interface IMapViewsOptions {
  viewDir: string;
  suffix?: string;


All contributions are welcome. Feel free to open PR or share your ideas of improvement.

Thank you.

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