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Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started
  2. Parameters
  3. How to use
    1. Basic usage

    2. Download images

    3. Add or edit

Getting Started

  1. install package with yarn or npm:
  • npm:
npm install @teh23/gatsby-source-api
  • yarn:
yarn add @teh23/gatsby-source-api


Name Type Description
url string Required. Url of your API.
schema string Required. Define default-schemas for the objects of your API.
baseType string Required. Root name of node
auth object Define the auth for your API in the following format: { username: "username", password: "password" }. Auth also authorizes image downloads
images array Define the keys of images. Value of images must be a url. Gatsby-Images are added as name of images keys with suffix Local. Important keys must be unique
transform array [{name: "fieldName", func: (node) => ...} ] func for argument take node

How to use

1. Basic usage

url, baseType, schema are required values. Schema is shape of the data and to avoid unwanted errors is required, baseType is name of your root node name for example below is albums we use it in baseType and in schema for more details check it out:

plugins: [
   //... others plugins
      resolve: `@teh23/gatsby-source-api`,
      options: {
        //Url of your API. REQUIRED
        url: "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/albums/1/photos",
        //Root name of node. REQUIRED
        baseType: "albums",
        //Schema is shape of the data. REQUIRED
        schema: `
          type albums implements Node {
            albumId: Int
            id: Int
            title: String
            url: String
            thumbnailUrl: String

2. Download images

We are putting keys of urls which we want download into arrays. Also, we have to link download images.
${imageName}Local: File @link(by: "id", from: "${imageName}Local___NODE")
relax if u dont understand what the heck it is doing there, look below

plugins: [
   //... others plugins
      resolve: `@teh23/gatsby-source-api`,
      options: {
        url: "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/albums/1/photos",
        baseType: "albums",
        //array for images is require even for one value
        images: ['url', 'thumbnailUrl']
        schema: `
          type albums implements Node {
            albumId: Int
            id: Int
            title: String
            url: String
            thumbnailUrl: String
            urlLocal: File @link(by: "id", from: "urlLocal___NODE")
            thumbnailUrlLocal: File @link(by: "id", from: "thumbnailUrlLocal___NODE")

3. Add or edit

name is field name if given field doesn’t exist it will be added, plugin use lodash set https://lodash.com/docs/4.17.15#set
You can add or edit easily deep object for example:

const object = {
  id: 1,
  address: {
    info: {
      sth: 'hi'
//... some code
transform: [
    name: 'address.info.sth',
    func: ({address: {info: { sth }}}) => `${sth} world`
  //this will add new data to object
    name: 'address.info.sth.newbranch[0].exist',
    func: ({address: {info: { sth }}}) => `world ${sth}`

func is callback function for args it take row of your data

plugins: [
  //... other plugins
    resolve: `@teh23/gatsby-source-api`,
    options: {
      url: 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/albums/1/photos',
      baseType: 'albums',
      //array for images is require even for one value
      images: ['url', 'thumbnailUrl', 'test'],
      transform: [
          name: 'test',
          func: ({ id }) => `https://via.placeholder.com/${id * 10}`

          name: 'title',
          func: (row) => {
            const { title, albumId } = row
            return `${albumId}-${title}`

      schema: `
          type albums implements Node {
            albumId: Int
            id: Int
            title: String
            url: String
            thumbnailUrl: String
            test: String
            testLocal: File @link(by: "id", from: "testLocal___NODE")
            urlLocal: File @link(by: "id", from: "urlLocal___NODE")
            thumbnailUrlLocal: File @link(by: "id", from: "thumbnailUrlLocal___NODE")

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