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This unofficial source plugin makes BigCommerce API data available in GatsbyJS sites. Currently in active development.

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Provide support for the following features:

  • Support for both v2 and v3 bigcommerce API versions
  • Multiple bigcommerce API versions
  • Multiple, additional custom headers
  • Custom request timeout in all bigcommerce API requests
  • Data caching on subsequent gatsby source plugin runs
  • Request timeouts in all bigcommerce API requests
  • Throttling, debouncing, and adjusting the number of concurrent bigcommerce API requests
  • Option for opting out of type inference for optimizely/episerver API gatsby nodes or add custom gatsby node schemas for optimizely/episerver API gatsby nodes
  • Support for various response types: json, xml

Installation and Setup

For npm:

npm install @stackmarketlabs/gatsby-source-bigcommerce

For yarn:

yarn add @stackmarketlabs/gatsby-source-bigcommerce

Setup this plugin in gatsby-config.js as follows (*required fields):

module.exports = {
  // ...

  plugins: [
    // ...

      resolve: "@stackmarketlabs/gatsby-source-bigcommerce",
      options: {
        auth: {
          client_id: process.env.BIGCOMMERCE_API_CLIENT_ID // The client ID of your BigCommerce store.,
          secret: process.env.BIGCOMMERCE_API_SECRET_KEY // The secret key of your BigCommerce store.,
          access_token: process.env.BIGCOMMERCE_API_ACCESS_TOKEN // The access token of your BigCommerce store.,
          store_hash: process.env.BIGCOMMERCE_API_STORE_HASH // The store hash of your BigCommerce store.,
        endpoints: [
            nodeName: "BigCommerceProducts",
            endpoint: "/v3/catalog/products?include=variants,images,custom_fields,bulk_pricing_rules,primary_image,videos,options,modifiers",
            schema: null
            nodeName: "BigCommerceCategories",
            endpoint: "/v3/catalog/categories",
            schema: null
            nodeName: "BigCommerceStore",
            endpoint: "/v2/store",
            schema: `
              type BigCommerceStore implements Node {
                account_uuid: String
                domain: String
                secure_url: String
                control_panel_base_url: String

Configuration Options

Additional Headers

Add additional headers to the request as follows:

options: {
// ...

auth: {
  headers: {
      // Single header
      "X-Custom-Header": "Custom Value",

      // Mutiple headers
      "Access-Control-Allow-Headers": "Custom Value",
      "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials": "Custom Value",
      "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "Custom Value",
      "Access-Control-Allow-Methods": "Custom Value"


Add a single or multiple endpoints. Also supports v2 and v3 API endpoint versions. You can find a list of endpoints here.

Note: The endpoints should start with /<BIGCOMMERCE_ENDPOINT_VERSION>/**/* as the base URL will be added automatically to the bigcommerce hostname value.

options: {
  // ...

  endpoints: [
    // Single endpoint
      nodeName: "BigCommerceProducts",
      endpoint: "/v3/catalog/products?include=variants,images,custom_fields,bulk_pricing_rules,primary_image,videos,options,modifiers",
      schema: null

    // Multiple endpoints
      nodeName: "BigCommerceCategories",
      endpoint: "/v3/catalog/categories",
      schema: null
      nodeName: "BigCommerceStore",
      endpoint: "/v2/store",
      schema: `
        type BigCommerceStore implements Node {
          account_uuid: String
          domain: String
          secure_url: String
          control_panel_base_url: String

Global Schema

Add a global schema to all endpoints. This will be merged with the endpoint schema. This is useful for adding global types that affect multiple endpoints.

options: {
  // ...

  globals: {
    schema: `
      type BigCommerceId {
        bigcommerce_id: Int
  endpoints: [
      nodeName: "BigCommerceProducts",
      endpoint: "/v3/catalog/products?include=variants,images,custom_fields,bulk_pricing_rules,primary_image,videos,options,modifiers",
      schema: null
      nodeName: "BigCommerceCategories",
      endpoint: "/v3/catalog/categories",
      schema: null
      nodeName: "BigCommerceStore",
      endpoint: "/v2/store",
      schema: `
        type BigCommerceStore implements Node {
          account_uuid: String
          domain: String
          secure_url: String
          control_panel_base_url: String

Response Type

Set the response type for the BigCommerce API requests. Supports json, xml.

Default: json.

options: {
  // ...

  response_type: "json";

Request Timeout

Set a custom request timeout for the Optimizely/Episerver API requests (in milliseconds).

Default: 60000 (60 seconds).

options: {
  // ...

  request_timeout: 60000;

Request Throttling

Set a custom request throttling interval for the Optimizely/Episerver API requests (in milliseconds).

Default: 500 (0.5 seconds).

options: {
  // ...

  request_throttle_interval: 500;

Request Debouncing

Set a custom request debouncing interval for the Optimizely/Episerver API requests (in milliseconds).

Default: 500 (0.5 seconds).

options: {
  // ...

  request_debounce_interval: 500;

Request Concurrency

Set a custom request concurrency for the Optimizely/Episerver API requests.

Default: 100.

options: {
  // ...

  request_concurrency: 100;

How to Query

Assuming you correctly setup the plugin in gatsby-config.js and you have a BigCommerceProducts node name and its valid endpoint:

options: {
  // ...

  endpoints: {
    BigCommerceProducts: "/v3/catalog/products?include=variants,images,custom_fields,bulk_pricing_rules,primary_image,videos,options,modifiers";

you can query the data as follows:

  allBigCommerceProducts {
    edges {
      nodes {
        variants {
        images {
        custom_url {


Please feel free to contribute! PRs are always welcome.


This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.


Guy Romelle Magayano


Thanks to all the contributors of the original plugin gatsby-source-bigcommerce and node-bigcommerce for the great work. 🎉

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