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Bootstrap Portfolio

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Bootstrap Portfolio - A Developer Portfolio Theme with Separate Work and Blog Section with MDX. it’s based on react-bootstrap and comes with all the goodies such as SEO and gatsby sharp.



Quick Start

mkdir my-site
cd my-site
yarn init
# install @somoykhan/gatsby-theme-bootstrap-portfolio and it's dependencies
yarn add gatsby react react-dom @somoykhan/gatsby-theme-bootstrap-portfolio

Then add the theme to your gatsby-config.js. We’ll use the long form here for education purposes.

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: "@somoykhan/gatsby-theme-bootstrap-portfolio",
      options: {},

That’s it, you can now run your gatsby site using

yarn gatsby develop

To add your portfolio create mdx files in './work folder inside your gatsby site root directly. Required frontmatter example:

title: Project Name
date: "2019-05-01T22:12:03.284Z"
description: "project description"
backgroundColor: "#white"

To add blog posts create mdx files in ./blog folder inside your gatsby site root directly. Required frontmatter example:

title: Hello World
date: "2015-05-01T22:12:03.284Z"
description: "Let's dive in to the era of hello world examples!"
slug: "slug"

Doing more with this theme

Learn component shadowing if you want to modify further.

Technical Support or Questions

If you have questions or need help integrating the theme please contact me instead of opening an issue.

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