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Gatsby source plugin for Kentico Kontent


(vNext) Source plugin for Kentico Kontent REST Delivery API.

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Include a summary of what this plugin accomplishes. Is there a demo site that shows how this plugin operates? If so, include a link to the deployed demo site and/or its source code here. Themes are considered plugins in the Gatsby ecosystem and should follow this README as well. Note that themes include multiple READMEs. One inside the theme directory with configuration instructions, one inside the example project directory, and one in the root of the repository which will follow this guide.

Dependencies (optional)

Are there any plugins that must be installed in order to make this plugin work? If so, please include a list of those plugins and links to their pages here.

Learning Resources (optional)

If there are other tutorials, docs, and learning resources that are necessary or helpful to someone using this plugin, please link to those here.

Delivery API alternations

Some of the data from Kontent Delivery API requires to be altered, or extended in order to be usable in Gatsby. There is a list of them with its description.

Preferred language

Besides of system.language every Kontent item node contains the property preferred_language to distinguish which language version it represents. Using this property, it is the easy to distinguish whether the language fallback is used. When preferred_language is not the same as system.language, Kontent item was not translated to preferred_language and the delivery API returned fallback language (system.language).

Each linked items element in linked items element as well as in rich text element is using Gatsby GraphQL node references that can be used to traverse to the nodes linked through the use of the Linked items element.

The resolution is using the createFieldExtension called languageLink that is resolving the codenames. Embedded @link extension is not used because the links has to be resolved by preferred_language as well as system.codename equality and embedded link resolution allow to use only one field to make the links out of the box.

Linked Items element

query PersonQuery {
  allKontentItemPerson {
    nodes {
      elements {
        friends {
          value {
            ... on kontent_item_person {
              elements {
                name_and_surname {

Rich text element

query PersonQuery {
  allKontentItemPerson {
    nodes {
      elements {
        bio {
          modular_content { // inline linked items as well as content components
            ... on kontent_item_website {
              elements {
                name {
                url {

Kontent REST API return images and links for Rich Text element in form of object, not as array:

  "bio": {
    "type": "rich_text",
    "name": "Bio",
    "images": {
      "fcf07d43-46d4-46ef-a58d-c7bf7a4aecb1": {
        "image_id": "fcf07d43-46d4-46ef-a58d-c7bf7a4aecb1",
        "description": null,
        "url": "https://assets-us-01.kc-usercontent.com:443/09fc0115-dd4d-00c7-5bd9-5f73836aee81/0faa87b4-9e1e-41b8-8b38-c107cbb35147/2.jpg",
        "width": 1600,
        "height": 1065
    "links": {
      "59002186-1886-48f3-b8ba-6f053b5cf777": {
        "codename": "developer_community_site",
        "type": "website",
        "url_slug": ""
    "modular_content": [],
    "value": "..."

This wrapper transforms these objects to the the arrays. In case ofe image the ID of an image is already stored there, in case of link, the id of a link is moved to linked_id property. The query then looks like:

query PersonQuery {
  allKontentItemPerson {
    nodes {
      elements {
        bio {
          images {
            # Object transformed to array
          links {
            # Object transformed to array
            link_id # Newly generated property

Types’ elements property

Elements property is transformed from object to array.

This is the “Website” type sample. As you can see there is element property, which is an object in Kontent delivery REST API.

  "system": {
    "id": "aeabe925-9221-4fb2-bc3a-2a91abc904fd",
    "name": "Website",
    "codename": "website",
    "last_modified": "2019-04-01T18:33:45.0353591Z"
  "elements": {
    "url": {
      "type": "text",
      "name": "URL"
    "name": {
      "type": "text",
      "name": "Name"
    "description": {
      "type": "rich_text",
      "name": "Description"

And here is the example how does the source plugin transform the data.


  kontentType(system: { name: { eq: "Website" } }) {
    system {
    elements {


  "data": {
    "kontentType": {
      "system": {
        "codename": "website",
        "id": "aeabe925-9221-4fb2-bc3a-2a91abc904fd",
        "last_modified": "2019-04-01T18:33:45.0353591Z",
        "name": "Website"
      "elements": [
          "name": "URL",
          "codename": "url",
          "type": "text"
          "name": "Name",
          "codename": "name",
          "type": "text"
          "name": "Description",
          "codename": "description",
          "type": "rich_text"

How to install

Please include installation instructions here. Gatsby documentation uses npm for installation. This is the recommended approach for plugins as well. If the plugin is a theme that needs to use yarn, please point to the documentation for switching package managers in addition to the yarn-based instructions.

Available options (if any)

When do I use this plugin

Include stories about when this plugin is helpful and/or necessary.

Examples of usage

This usually shows a code example showing how to include this plugin in a site’s config.js file.

  "resolve": "@simply007org/gatsby-source-kontent-simple",
  "options": {
    "projectId": "09fc0115-dd4d-00c7-5bd9-5f73836aee81", // Fill in your Project ID
    "languageCodenames": [
      "default", // Or the languages in your project (Project settings -> Localization),
    "includeTaxonomies": true, // opt-out by default
    "includeTypes": true, // opt-out by default
    "usePreviewUrl": true, // false by default
    "authorizationKey": "<API KEY>" // For preview/secured API key - depends on usePreviewUrl setting

See this Markdown Cheatsheet on how to format code examples. This section could also include before-and-after examples of data when the plugin is enabled, if applicable.

How to query for data (source plugins only)

If this is a source plugin README, source plugins ought to allow people to query for data within their Gatsby site. Please include code examples to show how to query for data using your source plugin. If this is a theme that requires data in a specific format in order to match an existing query, include those examples here.

How to run tests

How to develop locally

How to contribute

If you have unanswered questions, would like help with enhancing or debugging the plugin, it is nice to include instructions for people who want to contribute to your plugin.

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