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Wrapper component for GatsbyImage, to be used with api data from Strapi v4

Ideal for SSR since this image does not get processed by image-sharp

🚀 Quick start

Add the plugin

  1. Initialize a new plugin from the starter with gatsby new
yarn add @seansly/gatsby-source-strapi-images
  1. Include the plugin in a Gatsby site

Inside of the gatsby-config.js file of your site (in this case, my-gatsby-site), include the plugin in the plugins array:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    // other gatsby plugins
    // ...
  1. Define a urlBuilder function, you would create this based on what media options are in your strapi configuration.
export default function urlBuilder({
}: any) {
  let formats = baseUrl.formats;
  console.log(baseUrl, width);
  if (width > 2000 || width == baseUrl.width) {
    return baseUrl.url;
  } else if (formats.large && width > 750) {
    return formats.large.url;
  } else if (formats.medium && width > 500) {
    return formats.medium.url;
  } else {
    return formats.small.url;
  1. Use the component
import {
} from "@seansly/gatsby-source-strapi-images";
interface SSRPageProps {
  data: {
    attributes: {
      Image: StrapiImageApiResponse,

const SSRPage = ({
  data: {
    attributes: { Image },
}: SSRPageProps) => {
  return <StrapiImage image={Image} />;
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