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Handles navigation menus for Reflex.


npm i @reflexjs/gatsby-theme-nav


// gatsby-config.js

module.exports = {
  plugins: [`@reflexjs/gatsby-theme-nav`],


// gatsby-config.js

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: `@reflexjs/gatsby-theme-nav`,
      options: {
        contentPath: "content/navs",

Data models

type NavLink implements Node @dontInfer {
  type: String
  value: String
  url: String
  items: [NavLink]

type Nav implements Node @dontInfer {
  id: ID!
  name: String
  items: [NavLink]


Place your navs inside content/navs as follows:

  └── content
    └── navs
      └── header.mdx

Then add nav links using markdown:

- [Home](/)
- [About](/about)
- Dropdown
  - [Item One](/item-one)
  - [Item Two](/item-two)
- [Contact](/contact)
- Block dropdown
  - <Block src="name-of-block" />

Mega menu

Creating mega menu is easy. Create a block and add it as a dropdown item.

- Block dropdown
  - <Block src="name-of-block" />

Display nav

Use the useNav hook to retrieve navs and render them in blocks.

// blocks/header-nav.mdx

export const HeaderNav = () => {
  const [nav] = useNav('header')
  return nav.items ? (
      {nav.items.map({value, url, items}, index) => (
        <Li key={index}>
          <Link href={url}>{value}</Link>
  ) : null

Then place them in your page:

<Block src="header-nav" />

Check out the Blocks library for pre-built navs you can copy and drop into your site.


Read the docs at https://reflexjs.org/docs/navs.

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