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gatsby-remark-grid-system is a plugin that creates responsive layouts from markdown files

Motivation As much as i like blogs, do they all have to be single coloum? Arguably if you’re using gatsby-pugin-mdx this is not problem but… if your blog / site / app uses .md this might be worth a look.

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🚀 Getting started


npm install @pauliescanlon/gatsby-remark-grid-system


Add gatsby-transformer-remark to your gatsby-config.js then add @pauliescanlon/gatsby-remark-grid-system as a plugin of that 😅

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-transformer-remark`,
      options: {
        plugins: [`@pauliescanlon/gatsby-remark-grid-system`],


Option Type Reqiured Default Description
breakpoints array no [576, 768, 992, 1200] bootstrap inspired breakpoints
padding number no 16 padding applied to each col
debug boolean no false adds an outline to each col
plugins: [
    resolve: `@pauliescanlon/gatsby-remark-grid-system`,
      options: {

📝 Markdown

TODO explain markdown a bit more :::rowcol

::: div row

::: div col 12|6|7|9
   left content 1

::: div col 12|6|5|3
   right content 1

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