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Watch your queries and automatically generates TypeScript/Flow definitions.

  • Schema extraction
  • Generates type definitions using graphql-codegen
  • Auto-fixing <StaticQuery> and useStaticQuery() in code with generated type name.
  • Integrate Gatsby project with GraphQL & TypeScript ecosystem.


Demonstration of auto-fixing


yarn add gatsby-plugin-typegen

# or
# npm install --save gatsby-plugin-typegen

How to use

// In your gatsby-config.js
plugins: [`gatsby-plugin-typegen`]

Example of type-safe usage

import { PluginOptions as TypegenPluginOptions } from 'gatsby-plugin-typegen/types';

type Plugin = (
  | string
  | { resolve: string, options: any }
  | { resolve: `gatsby-plugin-typegen` options: TypegenPluginOptions }

const plugins: Plugin[] = [
    resolve: `gatsby-plugin-typegen`,
    options: {
      // ... customize options here

module.exports = {

Change the output path

  options: {
    outputPath: `src/__generated__/gatsby-types.ts`,

Switch to Flow

  options: {
    language: `flow`,
    outputPath: `src/__generated__/gatsby-types.flow.js`,

Emit schema as GraphQL SDL

  options: {
    emitSchema: {
      `src/__generated__/gatsby-schema.graphql`: true,

GatsbyJS schema visualized

Visualized via GraphQL Voyager.


You can use the extracted schema file for eslint-plugin-graphql!

// gatsby-config.js

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    // ...
      resolve: `gatsby-plugin-typegen`,
      options: {
        emitSchema: {
          `src/__generated__/gatsby-introspection.json`: true,
// .eslintrc.js

const path = require('path');

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
  rules: {
    'graphql/template-strings': ['error', {
      env: 'relay',
      tagName: 'graphql',
      schemaJsonFilepath: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/__generated__gatsby-introspection.json'),

VSCode extension

I recommend to use Apollo GraphQL extension.

(YES, even this isn’t Apollo project)

  1. Install the extension.

  2. Configure plugin to emit schema and plugin documents.

    // gatsby-config.js
    module.exports = {
      plugins: [
        // ...
          resolve: `gatsby-plugin-typegen`,
          options: {
            emitSchema: {
              `src/__generated__/gatsby-introspection.json`: true,
            emitPluginDocuments: {
              `src/__generated__/gatsby-plugin-documents.graphql`: true,
  3. Create apollo.config.js file in project root.

    // apollo.config.js
    module.exports = {
      client: {
        name: 'your-project-name',
        tagName: 'graphql',
        includes: [
        service: {
          name: 'GatsbyJS',
          localSchemaFile: './src/__generated__/gatsby-schema.graphql',
  4. Reload VSCode & Enjoy!\

VSCode extension preview

TypeScript plugin

TODO: Add config example

Available options

Checkout the full documentation of plugin options from src/types.ts.


This plugin is a bit opinionated about how integrate GatsbyJS and codegen.

You cannot customize plugins and its options of graphql-codegen because this plugin is built for ONLY GatsbyJS.

If you wanna use codegen with other plugins (e.g. React Apollo), you can use @graphql-codegen/cli for it.

Or gatsby-plugin-graphql-codegen gives you a more flex options.


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