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This module is based on the gatsby-source-dynamodb but with the AWS SDK for JavaScript v3 .

This module helps you pull your AWS dynamodb account using IAM credentials.

To install:

yarn add @netbistrot/gatsby-source-dynamodb-sdkv3

(or npm install --save @netbistrot/gatsby-source-dynamodb-sdkv3)

Then add the config to your gatsby-config.js:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: '@netbistrot/gatsby-source-dynamodb-sdkv3',
      options: {
        typeName: '<INPUT_GRAPHQL_TYPE_NAME_HERE>',
        accessKeyId: '<AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID>', 
        secretAccessKey: '<AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY>',
        region: '<AWS_REGION>',
        params: {
          TableName : "<TABLE_NAME>",
          // OTHER PARAMS HERE


It is strongly recommended that credentials are stored in environment variables.

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