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This plugin connects Gatsby to Nacelle’s v2 API, which gives you access to the product data (individual products, collections, etc.) and content data (blog posts, articles, etc.) needed to build an eCommerce storefront.

If you using Nacelle’s v1 API, please use @nacelle/gatsby-source-nacelle@nacelle-v1 instead.

What is Nacelle?

Nacelle is a headless eCommerce platform made for developers who want to create superior customer buying experiences. When you connect your Shopify, Magento, or custom eCommerce store to Nacelle, our proprietary indexing system supplies a high-performance connection to your back end.

To learn more, check out the Nacelle docs.

Quick Start

Follow these steps to add gatsby-source-nacelle to your Gatsby site:


First make sure you’re site is using Gatsby v4. Then follow the below instructions to start using the plugin.

npm i @nacelle/gatsby-source-nacelle @nacelle/storefront-sdk


Begin by initializing Nacelle Storefront SDK and pass it to gatsby-source-nacelle as options.nacelleClient.

// gatsby-config.js

const NacelleClient = require('@nacelle/storefront-sdk').default;

const client = new NacelleClient({
  storefrontEndpoint: process.env.GATSBY_NACELLE_STOREFRONT_ENDPOINT

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: '@nacelle/gatsby-source-nacelle',
      options: {
        nacelleClient: client

You’ll note that we use .env variables to set Nacelle credentials. You can learn more about using environment variables with Gatsby in the Gatsby docs

Data Fetching

Content Data Queries and Types

As of @nacelle/gatsby-source-nacelle version 9.0.0, GraphQL types are generated for each of your content models. This enables Gatsby’s GraphQL schema to fully type your content, which allows you to craft granular content queries. To prevent naming collisions, all of the content types are prefixed by NacelleContentRemote. For example, heroBanner-type content will have the type NacelleContentRemoteHeroBanner.

Fetching Arrays of Data Containing Multiple Content Types

When crafting content models for your eCommerce project, it’s common for some content models to have fields that contain arrays of references to other content. For example, a page-type content model might contain a sections array that contains arrangeable references to content types like heroBanner, testimonial, and sideBySide. In this scenario, where sections contains multiple types of content, we must use inline GraphQL fragments to query the sections data. For more detail, please see nacelle.com/docs/building-your-store/using-gatsby

Rich Text

To make rich text more useable, rich text is stringified. This makes it easier to work with since it doesn’t require changing your queries when your text changes. However, for working with Sanity’s @portabletext/react or Contentful’s @contentful/rich-text-react-renderer, you’ll need to transform the stringified rich text to an Object. You can do so by using JSON.parse

// sanity
const RichTextComponent = ({richTextString}) => {
  const richText = JSON.parse(richTextString);
  return <PortableText value={richText} />
const RichTextComponent = ({richTextString}) => {
  const richText = JSON.parse(richTextString);
  return documentToReactComponents(richText);

Additional Features

Incremental Builds

@nacelle/gatsby-source-nacelle uses build caching to support incremental builds. If you’d like to force @nacelle/gatsby-source-nacelle to re-source product, collection, and content data from Nacelle’s v2 API after a given interval, you can do so by providing a cacheDuration value (in milliseconds).

For example, a build with the following configuration will force a re-fetch of product, collection, and content data after 24 hours, even if that data hasn’t changed:

// gatsby-config.js

const NacelleClient = require('@nacelle/storefront-sdk').default;

const client = new NacelleClient({
  storefrontEndpoint: process.env.GATSBY_NACELLE_STOREFRONT_ENDPOINT

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: '@nacelle/gatsby-source-nacelle',
      options: {
        nacelleClient: client,
        cacheDuration: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 // 1 day in ms

Gatsby Image

@nacelle/gatsby-source-nacelle provides a way to easily integrate with Gatsby’s powerful image processing tools to enable progressive image loading with visually-compelling loading strategies such as Traced SVG and Background Color. Gatsby Image is directly compatible with the featuredMedia and media of products, product collections, and content collections.

Enabling these image processing techniques requires installing gatsby-plugin-image, gatsby-source-filesystem, gatsby-plugin-sharp, and gatsby-transformer-sharp:

npm i gatsby-plugin-image gatsby-source-filesystem gatsby-plugin-sharp gatsby-transformer-sharp

Next, register gatsby-plugin-image, gatsby-plugin-sharp, and gatsby-tranformer-sharp in gatsby-config.js. You don’t need to register gatsby-source-filesystem.

// gatsby-config.js

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    // ...other plugins,

Please refer to the example project to see how @nacelle/gatsby-source-nacelle can be used with gatsby-plugin-image.

Next Steps

Once you’ve established a connection to Nacelle’s v2 API, it’s time to start building out your store. Check out the example project to learn how to create a basic eCommerce store with product & content data provided by @nacelle/gatsby-source-nacelle.

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