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Authoring Gatsby Themes followed by jlengstorf egghead tutorial

This repo is intended to teach developers how to author Gatsby themes.


IMPORTANT: To set this site up, you’ll need to make director named data in your root folder and make a file named events.yml

Example events.yml

- name: React Rally
  location: salt Late City, UT
  start_date: 2019-08-22
  end_date: 2019-08-23
  url: https://www.reactrally.com/

- name: React Rally 2
  location: salt Late City, UT
  start_date: 2019-08-22
  end_date: 2019-08-23
  url: https://www.reactrally.com/

###Install theme:

yarn add @mnuworld/gatsby-theme-events
npm install @mnuworld/gatsby-theme-events

In your gatsby-config.js:

  module.exports = {
    plugins: [
       resolve: '@mnuworld/gatsby-theme-events',
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