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Gatsby Theme Insta Grid

A Gatsby theme to add a grid of Instagram images to your Gatsby site. Gatsby Theme Insta Grid gives you a customisable grid component to easily add a collection of images from either an Instagram account or hashtag to your site.

An online demo of the theme can be viewed here


To use the insta grid theme in your Gatsby site, add the theme as a dependency:

yarn add @melanienolan/gatsby-theme-insta-grid

Add it to your gatsby-config.js:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: "@melanienolan/gatsby-theme-insta-grid",
      options: {
        // type defaults to 'account'
        type: "account",
        // add the instagram user name here
        username: "username",

And start your site:

gatsby develop


To show the insta grid, import the InstaGrid component from the insta grid theme and use it as you would any other component:

import { InstaGrid } from "gatsby-theme-insta-grid";

export default () => {
  return (

Card Types

There are two different types of card:

  • basic (default) card shows just the image with an overlay on hover showing the number of likes and comments.
  • complex card shows the image with the number of likes and comments underneath and an option to display the image caption.


Basic cards

Example usage:

import { InstaGrid } from "gatsby-theme-insta-grid";

export default () => {
  return (


The complex cards show the images as well as the number of likes and an option to display the image caption.

Complex cards

Example usage:

To opt for complex cards, add the cardType prop to your implementation of the InstaGrid component and set it to 'complex':

import { InstaGrid } from "gatsby-theme-insta-grid";

export default () => {
  return (
      <InstaGrid cardType="complex"></InstaGrid>

To add the image caption to the complex card, add the showCaptions prop to your implementation of the InstaGrid component and set it to true:

import { InstaGrid } from "gatsby-theme-insta-grid";

export default () => {
  return (
      <InstaGrid cardType="complex" showCaptions={true}></InstaGrid>

Note that captions are only intended to be used with complex cards.


The Insta Grid theme can be configured to display images from either an Instagram user account or an Instagram hashtag. The theme uses Gatsby Source Instagram at its core, and so the options available look quite similar.

These can be configured in your site’s gatsby-config.js by changing the options type value to either account or hashtag. Depending on your choice, you will need to add either the username or hashtag value.

If no type value is provided, the default value will be account.

Theme Options

Key Default value Description
type account The type of query you want to make, available values are account and hashtag
username nasa The Instagram username you want to use
hashtag undefined The Instagram hashtag you want to use

Instagram Account example

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: "@melanienolan/gatsby-theme-insta-grid",
      options: {
        // type defaults to 'account'
        type: "account",
        // add the instagram user name here
        username: "nasa",

Instagram Hashtag example

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: "@melanienolan/gatsby-theme-insta-grid",
      options: {
        type: "hashtag",
        // add the hashtag name here
        hashtag: "photooftheday",

Overriding the theme

This theme uses Theme UI for styling, so it is possible to customise the grid according to your site’s own theme. To customise the styles for the grid, first create a gatsby-plugin-theme-ui folder inside your project’s src folder and create a file called index.js:

In that file (your-site/src/gatsby-plugin-theme-ui/index.js), import the baseTheme from gatsby-theme-insta-grid and use it to create your own theme as follows:

import baseTheme from '@melanienolan/gatsby-theme-insta-grid/src/gatsby-plugin-theme-ui';

export default {
  fonts: {
    body: 'system-ui, sans-serif',
    heading: '"Avenir Next", sans-serif',
    monospace: 'Menlo, monospace',
  colors: {
    text: "#222222",
    background: "#ffffff",
    primary: "#3D5A80",

Since the styling has been done using Theme UI, it is possible to customise the grid itself as well as the cards.

The grid is essentially a Theme UI Flex component with a variant and can be edited at styles.Flex.insta, other editable components and their variants are:

Theme UI Flex components:

  • styles.Flex.insta - the grid container
  • styles.Flex.overlay - the basic card overlay, appears on hover

Theme UI Card components:

  • cards.basic - the basic card component
  • cards.complex - the complex card component

Theme UI Text components:

  • text.caption - the caption text shown on complex cards
  • text.numbers - the numbers of likes and comments
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