This plugin adds support for creating a blog in your Gatsby site. Blog posts reside in a directory that can be configured. Each blog post is Markdown file with this naming convention
just like in Jekyll. A blog post’s frontmatter must contain a title
yarn add @mdotasia/gatsby-plugin-blog
In your Gatsby project decide the folder in which yuo would like to keep your blog posts, e.g. content/blog
. We refer to content
as parent directory and to blog
as source directory. Using gatsby-source-filesystem
, define a filesystem source for the parent directory in the plugins
array in your gatsby-config.js
resolve: "gatsby-source-filesystem",
options: {
name: "content",
path: `${__dirname}/content/`
Then add @mdotasia/gatsby-plugin-blog
to plugins
. This snippet shows the minimal configuration:
resolve: "@mdotasia/gatsby-plugin-blog",
options: {
template: `${__dirname}/src/templates/post.jsx`
You can use the following options:
Option | Default | Description |
dateFormat |
Format dates in prev and next objects. |
pathPrefix |
"" |
Blog posts are mapped to /<YYYY>/<MM>/<DD>/<slug> by default. If pathPrefix is set, they are mapped to /<pathPrefix>/<YYYY>/<MM>/<DD>/<slug> . Can be different from sourceDir . |
sourceDir |
blog |
By default blog posts reside in source directory blog , a subdirectory in one of your filesystem sources. Can be different from pathPrefix . |
template |
You need to create your own template for blog posts. Your template receives path and a context objext with prev and next , which are objects with date , path and title . The date is is formatted with dataFormat . |
Time zone pitfalls
In order to parse the frontmatter of Markdown files, Gatsby uses package front-matter, which uses package js-yaml. In order to understand how Gatsby handles a frontmatter date such as 2018-08-03
, we need to look at what js-yaml does under the hood. YAML timestamps must conform to ISO 8601 with the exception that if a timestamp does not specify a time zone, it is UTC by convention.
If you select a frontmatter date in a GraphQL query, the timestamp contained in the result comes with a time zone. Either because you specified the time zone explicitly in the frontmatter timestamp or because it is UTC by convention. You could pass the raw timestamp to a template and let the template take care of formatting the timestamp nicely. But this would come with the drawback that you need to load a date formatting library into the browser
Alternatively, Gatsby offers formatString
for formatting dates in GraphQl queries. However, formatString
converts the timestamp to UTC and then formats it nicely (see here).
A date embedded into a filename such as
obviously does not specify a time zone. That is way in line with how Gatsby interprets frontmatter dates, this plugin interprets the date embedded into the filename as UTC. At this point you cannot specify a time zone in which enbedded filename dates are interpreted. This could lead to discrepancies between a blog post’s path
and the date actually displayed via the blog post template. Once Gatsby implements time zone support, this plugin will follow suit.