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This plugin can be used with a Gatsby project or with a Gatsby theme. It encapsulates the logic for programmatically creating post pages.


yarn add @mdotasia/gatsby-plugin-blog


Posts reside in a directory that can be configured, e.g. content/posts, referred to as the posts directory. For each post create a subdirectory inside the posts directory. This plugin uses the following conventions:

  • The subdirectory name is the slug, e.g. my-first-post.
  • The post is an MDX file called index.mdx.

Use plugin gatsby-source-filesystem to configure the parent directory of the posts directory in the plugins array in gatsby-config.js, e.g.

  resolve: "gatsby-source-filesystem",
  options: {
    name: 'content',
    path: 'content'

Add @maiertech/gatsby-plugin-blog to plugins in gatsby-config.js. For the minimal configuration you need to provide the template option, e.g.

  resolve: "@mdotasia/gatsby-plugin-blog",
  options: {
    template: `src/templates/post.jsx`

You can use the following options:

Option Default Description
pathPrefix "" Blog posts are mapped to /<slug> by default. If a pathPrefix is set, they are mapped to <pathPrefix>/<slug>.
postsDir posts The default is posts in one of your sources defined with gatsby-source-filesystem.
template Bring your own template. Template receives id, path and context, which contains prev and next, which contain path and title.

The frontmatter of each post needs to inlcude the following properties, which are used in the underlying GraphQL query:

Property Type Description
title string Post title.
date YYYY-MM-DD Post date.
author string Post author.
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