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Source plugin for pulling models and records into Gatsby from Jetveo.io.

Table of Contents


npm install --save gatsby-source-jetveo gatsby-plugin-image

How to use

// In your gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
    resolve: `gatsby-source-jetveo`,
    options: {
      // You can find your application instance url on Jetveo Apps Overview
      apiBaseUrl: "https://[APPLICATON_INSTANCE_URL]/api",

      // Your application instance api key is in Jetveo App instance settings tab API

      // Configure your api endpoints which will be available in gatsby. The item of this array is tailing part of endpoint url.
      // For example set "pages" when your endpoint is https://[APPLICATON_INSTANCE_URL]/api/pages.
      apiEndpoints: ["[API_ENDPOINT_PATH_1]", "[API_ENDPOINT_PATH_2]"],

How to query data

You can see imported data from api endpoints on gatsby graphql dev page http://localhost:8000/___graphql as graphql nodes with prefix jetveo. Use this nodes in your graphql query as you used to.

Integration with Gatsby Image

For Gatsby v3+

This plugin is compatible with the new gatsby-plugin-image

Compatibility with the deprecated gatsby-image component

This plugin doesn’t support gatsby-image, sorry for that.

Sample project


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