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A plugin to syntax highlighting code blocks with gatsby-transform-remark for Gatsby that uses shiki

Getting started

Install the package

npm install @enpitsulin/gatsby-remark-shiki
// or use yarn
yarn add @enpitsulin/gatsby-remark-shiki

Add to your gatsby-config.js

  // ...
    resolve: `gatsby-transformer-remark`,
    options: {
      plugins: [
// or
  // ...
    resolve: `gatsby-transformer-remark`,
    options: {
      plugins: [
          resolve: `@enpitsulin/gatsby-remark-shiki`,
          options: {/* here for custom option */}

Then you can write code in your markdown file like this:

function funName() {
  console.log("this is a code snippet");


You can configure the plugin option to change theme or alias a language

Multi Theme Support

You can use built-in code highlight theme by change theme option, for example.

  theme: "one-dark-pro"; //default 'nord';

You can preview some of these themes on https://vscodethemes.com/

Theming with theme file

To Do

Theming with CSS variables

First change theme option to css-variables,than create css which define these CSS variables file and require it in your gatsby-browser.js, e.g.

/* shiki-variables */
:root {
  --shiki-color-text: #eeeeee;
  --shiki-color-background: #333333;
  --shiki-token-constant: #660000;
  --shiki-token-string: #770000;
  --shiki-token-comment: #880000;
  --shiki-token-keyword: #990000;
  --shiki-token-parameter: #aa0000;
  --shiki-token-function: #bb0000;
  --shiki-token-string-expression: #cc0000;
  --shiki-token-punctuation: #dd0000;
  --shiki-token-link: #ee0000;
// gatsby-browser.js

Language Alias

This lets you set up language aliases. For example, settings below will let you use the language superscript which will highlight using the javascript highlighter

  aliases: {
    superscript: "javascript";


  • Plugin Options
    • Multi-theme support
    • Use shiki theme css-variables to custom theme
  • Render LaTeX
  • Display line numbers
  • Diff highlighting
  • Code copy
    • Code copy for options


To do


MIT © enpitsuLin

© 2024 Gatsby, Inc.