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Gatsby plugin to add Analytics to your site.


  1. npm install emmbrand-gatsby-analytics
  2. Configure settings at gatsby-config.js, for example:
module.exports = {
    plugins: [
        // ... Other plugins
            resolve: "emmbrand-gatsby-analytics",
            options: {
                facebookPixelId: "YOUR_FACEBOOK_PIXEL_ID",
                googleAnalyticsTrackingID: "YOUR_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_TRACKING_ID",
                googleReCaptchaSiteKey: "YOUR_GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY"

Wrap your gatsby app with CookiesContextProvider

export const wrapRootElement = ({element}) => {
    return (

Then use CookiesBanner Component to manage your cookies.

export const wrapPageElement = ({element, props}) => {
    return (
                //This will be shown when the user takes action to the main banner
                dismissedChildren={({acceptAllCookies, declineAllCookies}) =>
                {({acceptAllCookies, declineAllCookies, dismissBanner}) => (
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