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Gatsby WordPress inline images

gatsby-source-wordpress doesn’t process images in blocks of text which means your admin site has to serve the images. This plugin solves that.

Require gatsby-source-wordpress and gatsby-image to be preinstalled

This repo is forked from gatsby-wordpress-inline-images by (@TylerBarnes) and from now on I am going to maintain this repo.


yarn add @draftbox-co/gatsby-wordpress-inline-images

Add this plugin as a plugin of gatsby-source-wordpress. Be sure to specify your baseurl and protocol a second time in the gatsby-wordpress-inline-images options, not just in the gatsby-source-wordpress options.

    resolve: `gatsby-source-wordpress`,
    options: {
      baseUrl: `your-site.com`
      protocol: `https`,
      plugins: [
            resolve: `@draftbox-co/gatsby-wordpress-inline-images`,
            options: {
              baseUrl: `your-site.com`,
              protocol: `https`


	resolve: `gatsby-source-wordpress`,
	options: {
		// required
		baseUrl: `your-site.com`,
		protocol: `https`,
		// defaults
		maxWidth: 650,
		wrapperStyle: ``,
		postTypes: ["post", "page"],
		backgroundColor: `white`,
		withWebp: false, // enable WebP files generation
		useACF: false, // process <img> tags in ACF fields too
		// add any image sharp fluid options here
		// ...


PRs are welcome! Consider contributing to this project if you are missing feature that is also useful for others.

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