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A Gatsby theme plugin for creating blogs from headless Ghost CMS.

Turn your Ghost blog into a lightning fast static website. This Gatsby theme is a frontend replacement of the Ghost handlebars engine featuring Novela theme skin and functionality. All content is sourced from a headless Ghost CMS.

This theme is being used at Draftbox. Get lightning fast, secure front-end for your WordPress or Ghost blog, in 5 minutes or less, without coding. For our fellow devs, we also provide code export feature.


Play with the Demo to get a first impression.


  • Novela theme by Narrative
  • SEO optimized
  • Fully responsive
  • Gatsby images
  • Styled 404 page
  • RSS Feed
  • AMP Pages
  • Sitemap
  • Contact Form
  • Subscribe Form
  • Social Sharing
  • Composable and extensible


Head over to the starter repo to get up and running quickly!

If you want to add this blog theme to an existing site, follow these instructions:

  1. Install the blog theme

    yarn add @draftbox-co/gatsby-ghost-novela-theme
    # or
    npm install @draftbox-co/gatsby-ghost-novela-theme --save
  2. Add the following configuration to your gatsby-config.js file

    // gatsby-config.js
    module.exports = {
      plugins: [
          resolve: `@draftbox-co/gatsby-ghost-novela-theme`,
          options: {
            siteConfig: {
              siteUrl: "https://ghost-novela-preview.draftbox.com",
              postsPerPage: 12,
              siteTitleMeta: "Built with Draftbox",
                "Lightning fast, secure front-end for your WordPress or Ghost blog, without coding.",
              shareImageWidth: 1000,
              shareImageHeight: 523,
              shortTitle: "Built with Draftbox",
              siteIcon: "favicon.png",
              backgroundColor: "#e9e9e9",
              themeColor: "#15171A",
              apiUrl: "https://ghost.theasdfghjkl.com",
              header: {
                navigation: [
                    label: "Home",
                    url: "https://ghost-novela-preview.draftbox.co/",
                    label: "Contact",
                    url: "https://ghost-novela-preview.draftbox.co/contact",
              footer: {
                copyright: "Built with Draftbox",
                navigation: [
                    label: "Home",
                    url: "https://ghost-novela-preview.draftbox.co/",
                    label: "Sitemap",
                    url: "https://ghost-novela-preview.draftbox.co/sitemap.xml",
                    label: "RSS",
                    url: "https://ghost-novela-preview.draftbox.co/rss.xml",
                    label: "Contact",
                    url: "https://ghost-novela-preview.draftbox.co/contact",
                    label: "External Link",
                    url: "https://spectrum.chat/gatsby-js/themes?tab=posts",
              subscribeWidget: {
                title: "Subscribe to Built with Draftbox",
                helpText: "Get the latest posts delivered right to your inbox.",
                successMessage: "Thanks for subscribing to Built with Draftbox.",
              socialLinks: {
                twitter: "https://twitter.com/draftboxhq",
                facebook: "https://facebook.com/",
                instagram: "https://www.instagram.com/",
                linkedin: "https://linkedin.com",
                github: "https://github.com/draftbox-co",
              contactWidget: {
                title: "Contact Built with Draftbox",
                successMessage: "We’ll get in touch with you soon.",
            ghostConfig: {
              development: {
                apiUrl: "http://localhost:2368",
                contentApiKey: "9fcfdb1e5ea5b472e2e5b92942",
              production: {
                apiUrl: "https://your-ghost-cms.com",
                contentApiKey: "9fcfdb1e5ea5b472e2e5b92942",
  3. Update siteConfig

    In the configuration shown above, the most important fields to be changed are siteUrl, siteTitleMeta and siteDescriptionMeta. Update at least those to fit your needs. Also make sure your favicon.png can be found in folder static of your working directory.

  4. Ghost Content API Keys

    Change the apiUrl value to the URL of your Ghost CMS site. Next, update the contentApiKey value to a key associated with the Ghost CMS site. A key can be provided by creating an integration within Ghost Admin. Navigate to Integrations and click “Add new integration”. Name the integration appropriately and click create.


Start the development server. You now have a Gatsby site pulling content from headless Ghost.

gatsby develop


You can disable the default Ghost Handlebars Theme front-end by enabling the Make this site private flag within your Ghost settings. This enables password protection in front of the Ghost install and sets <meta name="robots" content="noindex" /> so your Gatsby front-end becomes the source of truth for SEO.



PRs are welcome! Consider contributing to this project if you are missing feature that is also useful for others.

Copyright & License

Copyright (c) 2020 Draftbox - Released under the MIT license.

© 2024 Gatsby, Inc.